[NEWS} media talks about kelly tran deleting instagram, nothing on the real issu

Author Topic: [NEWS} media talks about kelly tran deleting instagram, nothing on the real issu  (Read 827 times)


This is why I don't trust the MSM because they are trying to cover up solo flopping with some lame story about kelly deleting instagram.

News should only be non-profit, everything else is tabloid media.

News should only be non-profit, everything else is tabloid media.

the only time i will ever agree with mm

News should only be non-profit, everything else is tabloid media.

Solo Flopped because The Last Jedia was a bad movie.
"It wasn't even okay, it was bad, it was loving BAD!" - Emplemon

News should only be non-profit, everything else is tabloid media.
so that leaves, like, NPR and the BBC. I don't have any problem with this but I suspect you would

so that leaves, like, NPR and the BBC. I don't have any problem with this but I suspect you would
Idk about NPR.
But the BBC may be non-profit, but it's also publicly funded by taxe-err licenses, which reminds me, ya got a license for that post?