
Is Article 13 worse than the removal of Net Neutrality?


Author Topic: Article 13 WILL effect you, even if you aren't in the EU.  (Read 2428 times)

Article 13 WILL effect you, even if you aren't in the EU.

Companies like facebook and google have proven in the past, when the pressure pushes them hard, they will cave in and give up anything. Facebook agreed to anti-blasphemy rules across their platform, and Youtube agreed to enforce extremely strict ,and usually unknown, guidelines... why?

Because one group, or person asked them to very strongly. Facebook didn't want to lose it's customers in muslim countries, and youtube didn't want to lose their ad revenue, so they took the easiest and most cowardly options, give up and apply a rule statewide to meet the demands to regain their "hostages".

If this is how they act to demands of one group of a few people, when a law like article 13 is passed, how do you think they will handle enforcement on that?

Article 13 is a threat to the internet, everywhere.

people in eu will have it worse though

thank god for brexit

I hope it does pass just so I never have to read another braindead post from a filthy European again

I hope it does pass just so I never have to read another braindead post from a filthy European again
And here we go

even though i still use YouTube;
the internet gon' b dead in a few years, months or even days.
article 13 is the online armageddon.

solution: stop being pussies

use the same topic that was already made or we will have 500000000000000000 topics like this by 2019 (when the bill will actually be decided)

stop letting yourself get censored and stop using sites that censor you like facebook twitter and google do

stop letting yourself get censored and stop using sites that censor you like facebook twitter and google do
Nothing I do gets censored and even then not using the sites won't do anything and stop me from supposedly being a pusillanimous individual.

stop letting yourself get censored and stop using sites that censor you like facebook twitter and google do
breaking news dude you can't just cut yourself off from everything related to mass corporation. you got two choices: deal with censorship until the trend ends, or just don't take part in society

good bye u stupid european forgetS. thank god

breaking news dude you can't just cut yourself off from everything related to mass corporation. you got two choices: deal with censorship until the trend ends, or just don't take part in society

It's not that hard to stop using facebook, twitter and google lmao there's alternatives

But yeah with Youtube you do have to just take the L

It's not that hard to stop using facebook, twitter and google lmao there's alternatives

But yeah with Youtube you do have to just take the L
they're pretty much everywhere though, they own a stuffload of subcorporations too and everybody wants to be their benefactor, so they take a pretty huge part in the american machine