Author Topic: Swollow's Blockland Overhaul 0.52 [UPDATE TO FIX EXPLOIT]  (Read 16527 times)

or any listings (boards, member listing, etc) for that matter
i am aware of this and will eventually fix it, also you can't sort boards its been disabled

also would be nice to see the thread name above every post
is there a point? its not like you would be able to use it like before to see previous topic titles they would all be exactly the same

can you add the topic title above every post pls

can you add the topic title above every post pls

topic title above every post would be only useful if you could actually see the previous names of a topic title. otherwise why bother

because i want to see the thread im in without scrolling up and chrome tabs dont count

topic title above every post would be only useful if you could actually see the previous names of a topic title. otherwise why bother
makes for good screenshots if a post relates to the title but its incredibly specific

The BLF has conditioned me to be reminded of what thread i'm viewing with every post that i look at

Now i don't know how i ever looked at an online message board without it and knew what thread i was viewing

The BLF has conditioned me to be reminded of what thread i'm viewing with every post that i look at

Now i don't know how i ever looked at an online message board without it and knew what thread i was viewing
yeah honestly idk how but whenever a thread gets derailed i can never remember what thread i'm actually lookin in

Sometimes when you middle click a link to open up a new tab (press on the scroll wheel), it reverts back to the default theme until you reload the page.

im glad im not the only one who relys on it

How do I get it to work.

Oh yeah, Im really liking this.
Great work Swollow!

Edit: My only suggestion is to add some kind of highlight for topics you have posts in. I know we got a small icon on the far left that shows this, but the difference is so minuscule it's hard to notice.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 07:34:32 PM by Mr.Noßody »

Oh yeah, Im really liking this.
Great work Swollow!

Edit: My only suggestion is to add some kind of highlight for topics you have posts in. I know we got a small icon on the far left that shows this, but the difference is so minuscule it's hard to notice.
oh youre right i used to have that on my old forum overhaul and forgot to add it into this one

next update they will lightly highlight that box green blue if youve posted in it