
haha what do you think of all these mounds bro I mean fuck hahaha

It Seems Today
That all you See
Is Violence in Movies
And love on TV
But Where are Those Good Old-Fashioned Values....
On Which we Used To Rely?
Lucky There’s a Family Guy
Lucky There’s a Man Who
Positively Can Do
All The Things That Make Us...
Laugh and Cry!
He’s our Fam-ily Guyy!

Author Topic: termite mound appreciation thread  (Read 2232 times)

such beautiful natural works of art

please share your thoughts and feelings as well as your favorite termite mounds below

guys, can this thread reach FIFTY THOUSAND likes??? Subscribe and click the bell for more termite mound posts

dirt                 snake

dirt                 snake
Anything can be a carrot if your brave enough.

Anything can be a carrot if your brave enough.
dirt                 snake

get outta here this is a sacred place you filthy fried mars bar eating goons

the reckoning
that looks a lot like someone i know. his names toby