Author Topic: I think I figured out why democrat run cities are complete stuffholes.  (Read 677 times)

I'm sure it's just a "mere coincidence" that democrat run cities like detroit, cleveland, etc have a large population of citizens on welfare.

It's near impossible to get off welfare and it's even harder to move out if you're on welfare.

So the democrat nominee along with paid media support goes to cities like these, promise change. They get a stuffload of votes.

Any republicans that try it's hard for them to get votes because these cities are so heavily deep in democrat power.

And this is how the democrat nominee keeps getting the popular vote.

Cities like detroit are literally voting farms.

tony you cracked the code

Because the FBI is guilty of covering up stuff the democrats do.

do you not have anything better to do than spam a lego forum with politics

do you not have anything better to do than spam a lego forum with politics
the brony population rapidly declined over the years so he has nothing else to do

What tony has said is sad, but 100% true.

They dont give a damn about their promisea, just like modern doctors, they wont ever cure the problem, they'll only feed it and disguise it as help. Keeping the people in a purgatory of dead and alive, being helped and helpless.

It's no coincidence that majority of mostly blue states became red.

And hillary won the popular vote only because she pandered to the states with the most population.

people who keep voting for free stuff just get poorer and poorer and never learn their lesson lol