Author Topic: what the hell is this file i found  (Read 1803 times)

Maybe one of the wavs has the band name or whatever. I'll check in a sec, still digging


haven't gotten to listening to this yet. Also the name isn't savior, it's something else. The first two files in the thing were called savior and departure so I got em mixed up.

this is some mad weird stuff

laptop died plus its late so I'm off for tonight. First thing when I wake up, I'll upload the next thing I find
« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 01:43:28 AM by GreenBH³ »

just woke up, more updates incoming

Google has no results for "Rydon perfect abyss"

This is obviously the fist real life SCP afaik

Dude it sounds really nice and peaceful, its just a creepy soundscape. Reminds me of Boards of Canada.


haven't gotten to listening to this yet. Also the name isn't savior, it's something else. The first two files in the thing were called savior and departure so I got em mixed up.

Nice try, goy. It's the Viacom noise but backwards and slowed to a deep crawl

Nice try, goy. It's the Viacom noise but backwards and slowed to a deep crawl

it is?

Nice try, goy. It's the Viacom noise but backwards and slowed to a deep crawl
Holy stuff i hear it.

Interesting. I found a bunch of folders for music.

the directory is /music deep within the usb, in there is a few oddly named wavs, and one wav named WIP(1).wav.

I'll upload them soon.


its really loving big though

