Author Topic: Epic Day-Drinking  (Read 1867 times)

how about drinking milk instead
chocolate milk, life's answer to all problems

i drank so much water yesterday because 105 degree florida weather and linemen drills dont really mix
not the same as alcohol but whatever

I'm wondering what drink I should try next to expand my growing knowledge of roostertails and drinks.

Most people my age just drink genny and black velvet just so they can get drunk. :V
If you’re drinking with friends or just want to get obliterated I have something that’s pretty good

If you’re drinking with friends or just want to get obliterated I have something that’s pretty good
do you drink 180 proof or something because those are two mostly incompatible choices

because you'd know out of anyone

If you’re drinking with friends or just want to get obliterated I have something that’s pretty good
doesn't compare to the brother juice lol. that margarita and codeine mix man i was off the brother juice during a Thanksgiving party and made a drinking game out of monkey ball and by the end of the night I couldn't even see the screen anymore and I tried to get up and my ass just fell back down into the sofa so I stayed there for the rest of the night lol

I don't miss doing that I have a drink or two on the weekends and that's it it's so much better that way


I think shes probably talking about the swear filter

bitch youre 20 we literally drink anything if it gets you drunk

i was at a party last night too and lost a bunch of loving drinking games and the neighbors were complaining about the weed being too loud. the host passed out and his girlfriend had to take over for the rest of the night lol
i was probably only drunk on the genever mixed with grape fanta because the beer was heineken and drinking 15 bottles of water doesnt get you drunk

Meh, I prefer to enjoy my alcohol or make it a part of my meal. Then again, my first real drink was a vanilla liqeour mixed with coke. It tasted so damn good. Then I moved onto scotch and wine, with beer beeing the last thing I got into. Even then I dislike cheap beers and prefer to go with stouts and porters. There are some nice shandies that I like too, but as far as drinking to get drunk... ehhhhhh... it's not worth it.

Edit: I think what ruined it for me was doing 6-7 shots of flavored vodka and the only thing I remember was waking up in the middle of the night passed out just to vomit and then passing out again. Yeah, just give me 2 drinks, I'll space em out and enjoy the night slowly.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 03:56:46 PM by Kochieboy »

yea I mean it seems like it should be fun because some people say it is (I may have in the past)

but puking pizza I literally one of the worst things you can experience

and you lose stuff and forget things and do really stupid handicapped stuff that you just have to pretend was cool or makes a good story because it really wasn't.

And one of the worst parts is drinking heavily makes you sweat like a a snowman in the Sahara

And one of the worst parts is drinking heavily makes you sweat like a a snowman in the Sahara

The whisky sweats are loving real man, I can't drink whisky without getting hot as hell

I don't always drink. But when I do, I binge enough that I cannot go to bed until I force myself to vomit so I can finally go to sleep.

if you're getting obliterated on 7-8 drinks the steryotypes about furrys are more real than I thought

are you making fun of someone for being a lightweight? at least he doesn't go bankrupt trying to get a buzz lmfao

Drinking kills more people than marijuana does. However, smoking is even worse.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2018, 09:38:37 PM by Electrk.. »