Author Topic: Hi guys. Im on xp  (Read 2833 times)

Hi, im posting this on a windows xp vm, what should i install on it?

so many toolbars. just toolbars until you cant see anything.

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Windows XP is the best and you can not deny that.

goto brothersoft and download anytihng and everything you see

vms are Weak Af get your collection of trash 2004 laptops out instead

for that classic "so loving slow" experience

vms are Weak Af get your collection of trash 2004 laptops out instead

for that classic "so loving slow" experience

Donwload windows 7 (or 10 if you want to pay for it

Blockland and civilization 3
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 01:14:34 PM by Black and White »