Author Topic: [NEWS] NASA: sending a probe to the sun!  (Read 1766 times)

This is really cool

orbiting at 430,000 miles an hour

what will they find when it lands?

And what if some microbe gets into the cooling system? What might happen when it mutates on the way through the Van Allen belts?
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 07:26:24 PM by Black and White »

They'll have to be really careful with launch calculations. If it doesn't arrive at night, things are gonna go really poorly.

Commander Shepard, welcome to cerberus

Waste of a probe.

NASA is now the equivalent of "1000 degree Fahrenheit knife" youtube video now.

Waste of a probe.

NASA is now the equivalent of "1000 degree Fahrenheit knife" youtube video now.
During the spacecraft's orbits, those instruments will be working to solve three major scientific mysteries about our local star: why its atmosphere becomes hotter farther away from the surface of the sun, how the solar wind of charged particles streaming out into space is born, and what causes the gigantic outbursts scientists call coronal mass ejections.

are they taking passengers cause this would be a sick way to get cremated

Be a sick way to cook some steaks too. Backyard solar grill time

Be a sick way to cook some steaks too. Backyard solar grill time
but what about the grill itself? wouldn't it melt.

They'll have to be really careful with launch calculations. If it doesn't arrive at night, things are gonna go really poorly.

My sides just went really poorly

my sides need reinforcements

Waste of a probe.

NASA is now the equivalent of "1000 degree Fahrenheit knife" youtube video now.

the sun needs to be restarted but they don't want us to know and freak out

are they taking passengers cause this would be a sick way to get cremated
im putting "solar cremation" in my will

Waste of a probe.

NASA is now the equivalent of "1000 degree Fahrenheit knife" youtube video now.
Waste of an account.

King Tony is now the equivalent of reposting "granny uses facebook" copypastas now.

but what about the grill itself? wouldn't it melt.
Who says that the grill has to stay intact?

can nasa send a probe up my dogs tight petite starfish so i can see what tapeworms look like