Author Topic: I Disappear for a few days and The Gestapo Comes-a knockin'  (Read 1984 times)

I Disappear for a few days and The Gestapo Comes-a knockin'

Holy forget, I decided to take a quick break from the Blockland Forum, and within a few days of that, Humble Water Filter Merchant and all of cnn gets Nuked off of Social Media and Youtube. As awful and loving disgusting as Humble Water Filter Merchant' content was, this is a very bad sign, for the right, the centrists, and a large part of people who believe they are "the left" in the US. Thus far several people have tried to argue that since Facebook, Google, Apple and others are private companies, they should be allowed to ban and silence whoever they want. This is a very bad position to hold, even though legally they are allowed to do this, that doesn't mean it's good that they are allowed to do this. These media companies are Monopolies, they're are no equivalencies on the internet to appose them. Sure there are websites like them in design, but not in public outreach. It would be like comparing Cheez it's to Great Value Cheddar Cheese crackers, sure they both accomplish the same goal, but which name comes to mind first, which one has reached a wider audience? Facebook has no alternative on par with it, neither does Google, and neither does Youtube. These companies hold the internet by the balls, because nothing comes close. So when they censor someone, as a group, it's erasing them from the internet for nearly everyone, everywhere. This is no longer about "protecting their public identity" or about morals, this is about the future of communication being controlled by big business. If you are truly a liberal, that idea should frighten you. At any moment someone can be 1984'd off the internet for having the wrong opinions or position, sure it's just Humble Water Filter Merchant now but...

"First they came for Humble Water Filter Merchant..." is a perfect summation of the current situation.

They have no competitors to challenge the, no one to show them what they are doing is wrong. Currently our only hope is to classify online Social Media as a Utility or to break up their monopolies, maybe both.

If you can not see the writing on the wall, simply because you don't like the person who was targeted, you are allowing history to repeat itself.

you should take a permanent break from the blockland forums

you should take a permanent break from the blockland forums
I understand I've been a dumbass in the past, and that I've gone in surges of making stuffty posts and decent posts. I'm sorry I was a "Gotcha" starfish for so long, trying to one up someone else.

But this is a new situation, a new world, I'm willing to move past who I was, if anyone else is. I will make an effort to improve my character, I can't afford to be forgetin' around anymore.

I understand I've been a dumbass in the past, and that I've gone in surges of making stuffty posts and decent posts. I'm sorry I was a "Gotcha" starfish for so long, trying to one up someone else.

But this is a new situation, a new world, I'm willing to move past who I was, if anyone else is. I will make an effort to improve my character, I can't afford to be forgetin' around anymore.
im actually crying

i wasnt asking for you to do it i was demanding for you to do it

i wasnt asking for you to do it i was demanding for you to do it

you did neither. by saying "you should" it was inherently a recommendation.

I can't really justify YouTube and Facebook beyond saying that Humble Water Filter Merchant consentually agreed to their guidelines upon registering and ended up breaking those rules. However saying what he was doing is hate speech is a real stretch. I've seen edd get banned for flaming just by saying 'shut up' before and nobody really cared how much of a big stretch that was so I can't really care much about Humble Water Filter Merchant either

In an ideal world YouTube could have zero rules and users could not be cunts and threaten to kill people in the comments. That ideal world doesn't exist sadly and because of that they made rules to prevent it. After those rules were made the same toxic users would try to evade the rules by switching up their wording and I guess YouTube just lost track over it's 10 years of service and decided to up the ante with hate speech rules. It's vague but it totally makes sense

Gotta love national socialist allegories when an internet snake oil salesmen gets banned for pushing his luck too much

Gotta love national socialist allegories when an internet snake oil salesmen gets banned for pushing his luck too much
Yes, this man was selling snake oil, yes he was pretty stuff. But censoring him wasn't right. Suing him for liable, malpractice, whatever,
I can understand that, straight up erasing him from the internet, that's a worrying precedent to set. And this isn't just Humble Water Filter Merchant, It's all of cnn.

master matthew is actually not posting complete bullstuff for once


freedom means being allowed to lie forever and sell brain pills and if anyone or anything makes me stop doing that it's the same as the secret police deporting jews. soirry liberals, but these are the facts

Yes, this man was selling snake oil, yes he was pretty stuff. But censoring him wasn't right. Suing him for liable, malpractice, whatever,
I can understand that, straight up erasing him from the internet, that's a worrying precedent to set. And this isn't just Humble Water Filter Merchant, It's all of cnn.

This isn't loving censoring, this is social media platforms finally deciding they don't want to keep financially enabling the clown. The whole ship goes down because the moron couldn't figure out he had a good thing going and kept pushing his luck. For the longest time cnn was on what you could call "Borrowed time", it seems they finally found the straw that broke the camel's back.

There was literally nothing good that comes from his platform because he sells lies and falsehoods in order to trick people into buying his products. His whole shtick was to prey on the politically insecure and cash in on them being dumb enough to buy his snake oil big richard energy pills.

Also everyone talking about a bias against the right are loving stupid. For the longest time a lot of people on the left-leaning side of the internet get demonetized or their channels taken down for having LGBT content, for talking about protests or for discussing topics like marxist studies or socialism. The problem is there's an inherent political bias that isn't partisan. When it comes to platforms like google offers, their automatic algorithm is heavily biased against strictly political topics for ~some reason~

Believe it or not, leftist twitter, youtube and facebook eats just about as much stuff as your internet circles do and for even more insufferable reasons. It's not because the intenet's slated against republicans, it's because politics is a hard pill to swallow for advertisers and we all know which side's being batted for (Hint: it's the side that has money)

This isn't loving censoring, this is social media platforms finally deciding they don't want to keep financially enabling the clown. The whole ship goes down because the moron couldn't figure out he had a good thing going and kept pushing his luck. For the longest time cnn was on what you could call "Borrowed time", it seems they finally found the straw that broke the camel's back.
Just because it's a company doing it, doesn't make it "not censorship". This is censorship, Social Media is quickly becoming a monopoly online, and it's also becoming a hive mind. Look at how quickly the domino's fell from one company to the next, within hours Humble Water Filter Merchant was gone. And now that they've caved to one, they will cave to others. Humble Water Filter Merchant won't be the last, mark my words.
There was literally nothing good that comes from his platform because he sells lies and falsehoods in order to trick people into buying his products. His whole shtick was to prey on the politically insecure and cash in on them being dumb enough to buy his snake oil big richard energy pills.
Regardless of whether anything good or bad could come from his platform, censoring him won't solve the problem, Lawsuits of liable and other crimes could have been enough, but they decided to outright censor him. This WILL open the floodgates, because now that there is blood in the water, other's will come to the podium demanding other people to be censored. People like:
Sargon Of Akkad, PJW, Chris Ray Gun, etc.

And they WILL cave.
This tiny circle of what's morally okay, will shrink more and more until it doesn't just encase political youtubers and facebook accounts, it will hit regular people.

I'm sorry if this sounds like a "Slippery Slope" fallacy, but there is reason to believe this will lead to a slippery slope scenario.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 03:56:25 PM by Master Matthew² »