Author Topic: the government found out how to censor the internet without breaking the 1st ame  (Read 2113 times)

Twitter, facebook, youtube, etc are soooooooo loving big they are big enough to influence the election.

The government can't touch it because it violates free speech so they pressure these companies to violate free speech because they technically can.

oh no. the government stopped tony before he could finish writing the title
we need to end this madness

the government didnt tony, free speech doesnt necessarily apply to the majority of major internet services/companies/companies based mostly on the internet, as the internet is a global service, there for certain us laws dont ad here on it

a privately owned corporation on the internet censoring media on their site =/= the government applying censorship. companies are allowed to censor whatever they want within their domain unless stopped by one of their countries agencies with high enough ranking, such as the FBI taking down a site through the domain host
would censoring reasonable content for no reason be justified by them owning the domain? not necessarily, since might doesnt equal right
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 02:23:01 PM by Darth C3P0² »

lmfao this idiot doesnt even know what the first amendment is im not even from america and i know what it is

also when i looked up your image it came up as a "strawman ball" originating from an argentine friend on 4chan, get a life

also when i looked up your image it came up as a "strawman ball" originating from an argentine friend on 4chan, get a life


That's impossible because I literally just made the image 10 minutes ago.

the government didnt tony, free speech doesnt necessarily apply to the majority of major internet services/companies/companies based mostly on the internet, as the internet is a global service, there for certain us laws dont ad here on it

So you're saying the government putting facebook on trial to pressure them to censor alt-right media had NOTHING to do with this?

You have to understand that facebook, twitter, youtube, etc are so big. They are big enough to loving influence a presidential election.

We are basically told to only have a single political belief now and this is obvious as most main stream media spew the same garbage.

Facebook is too loving big and if it's able to influence a political election then it is wrong to censor all forms of political beliefs.

go back to 4chan

Oh loving stop, there is so many strawman balls posted on here daily.

You only hate it when I do it.

there is so many strawman balls posted on here daily.
quote them or die

So you're saying the government putting facebook on trial to pressure them to censor alt-right media had NOTHING to do with this?
the forget lmao
zuckerberg was put on trial mostly because of the fear of privacy breaches on facebook, such as privacy being leaked intentionally and/or sold by facebook. that in no way "forced" zuckerberg or other companies to censor Humble Water Filter Merchant and other far right republicans

the forget lmao
zuckerberg was put on trial mostly because of the fear of privacy breaches on facebook, such as privacy being leaked intentionally and/or sold by facebook. that in no way "forced" zuckerberg or other companies to censor Humble Water Filter Merchant and other far right republicans

They also talked about the "Russian bots"

...which once again is totally irrelevant, because that did not pressure him to censor anyone.

...which once again is totally irrelevant, because that did not pressure him to censor anyone.

You say that but apple, facebook, twitter, youtube, etc all came out of nowhere to shut down cnn at the same time.

That's weird.

Especially when cnn isn't causing any violence.