Author Topic: is rain water safe to drink  (Read 1849 times)

my bathroom ceiling is leaking a bit from the rain and i'm wondering if a bean can just stick a bucket or a water tank under it and save it for later. i don't know where it is leaking in from but i would appreciate if i could drink it

if its coming from the sky yes but if its coming from your roof its probably contaminated with bird feces and leaves and other stuff. just drink from the faucet

theres still risks afaik

if its coming from the sky yes but if its coming from your roof its probably contaminated with bird feces and leaves and other stuff. just drink from the faucet

the reason i'm asking is because i'm outta bottled water and the water from the tap tastes nasty so idk. if i leave a bucket outside, someone could stuff in it

see you down in arizona bay

the rain water is probably not drinkable, since there is pollution and other things that went to the air

the rain water is probably not drinkable, since there is pollution and other things that went to the air
rainwater is completely drinkable and like 90% of the third world relies entirely on rain water. the contamination levels of rain water is negligible

Sink/tap water is probably much more contaminated than rain water

rain water is gud but that kinda water is probably no gud

not rain water that creeks through your damn ceiling, and depending on your area maybe rain water. depends on how polluted your air is, if there were any recent fires, if any acid rain has happened recently, and possibly even red tide if you are in florida

bro do u really want to drink roof water

im sure its safe just be sure to take some rad-x

yeah, better to not drink from a leak, i would imagine. could be mold and all sorts of other contaminants in there