Author Topic: real talk ~ hot coffee is nasty  (Read 2742 times)

who the heck wants to wake up with hot liquid, i was just sleeping in a hot stuffy bed for 12 hours and now i want more heat? why don't i take a hot shower as well and light my hair on fire too, or maybe i could sit down on my heat radiator and drink your scalding hot brown liquid? when i get out of bed, i take a cold shower, drink a refrigerated bottle of coffee or water or w/e i have, and try and cool off because... it's august. i don't need any more heat in here thank you v much, i wake up surrounded in my own hot sweat. i'd rather drink my own sweat

as a coffee drinker, i agree with you because it's way too hot this month, but still drink coffee anyways because i am too addicted to caffeine to care about the heat

as a coffee drinker, i agree with you because it's way too hot this month, but still drink coffee anyways because i am too addicted to caffeine to care about the heat
yeah, don't get me wrong i like coffee. i go through those bottled coffees every week but i really don't get the appeal in have a hot cup of brew when i'm already melting. it's like eating ice cream when it's snowing out

im not following you say in the title hot coffee is just nasty but then in OP say its only nasty in the summer so what tf is it dude do you like the coffee or not

Mmm (burns tongue) Yep. This is Good

Mmm (burns tongue) Yep. This is Good
me eating any hot food

im not following you say in the title hot coffee is just nasty but then in OP say its only nasty in the summer so what tf is it dude do you like the coffee or not
i don't like hot coffee in the summer or winter. i can understand why people drink it when it's cold, but in the summer... that's just crazy

it's like eating ice cream when it's snowing out
now on the other hand, i will gladly do this any day from december to march.  i can handle the cold easy, it's heat that i can't stand

now on the other hand, i will gladly do this any day from december to march.  i can handle the cold easy, it's heat that i can't stand
ok, ice cream in the winter isn't as bad

well ur a bean of course u wouldn't like something made up of other beans!
i agree tho, i'm not rly a fan of hot drinks. i like spicy food sometimes tho

iced coffee is pretty good. get it free at my work because i work in the coffee section a lot so i snag like 3 cups a day of that stuff and flood it with chocolate syrup and sugar. pour all that goodness into a giant cup of ice and boom

I live in the in the desert so there is literally no reason to ever have hot over cold