Author Topic: someone want to make a guide for welcome messages  (Read 996 times)

something like a reference topic where you can look up colors and commands and all that quickly without having to guess or ask around or anything

I could really use this, in particular whatever the command is that repeats the client's name back to them because what I thought it was isn't it


something like a reference topic where you can look up colors and commands and all that quickly without having to guess or ask around or anything

I could really use this, in particular whatever the command is that repeats the client's name back to them because what I thought it was isn't it

name is %1, colours are from <color:hexcode>, fonts are <font:fontname:size> and etc, if you want a guide made I'll do it but idk what else you'd want from it lol
colours can be found easily using something that shows a HEX code from a colour palette

you can also do \c[0-9] for colors, and use the command /colortest to see the numbers and their corresponding color

you can also add links doing this <a:linkhere>text</a>


<spush> <spop> for locally saving / loading your formatting
Code: [Select]
virtual Script rgbToHex() {}
/*!  - converts hex string or 0-255 color values into 0.0-1.0 values */
virtual string getColorF(string color) {}
/*!  - converts hex string or 0.0-1.0 color values into 0-255 values */
virtual string getColorI(string color) {}
==>echo(rgbToHex("255 255 255")); echo(getColorF("FFFFFFAA")); echo(getColorI("FFFFFFAA"));
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.666667
255 255 255 170
« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 04:05:37 AM by Quartz »

<br> = Moves text down a line
<font:FONT:SIZE> = Changes font and text size
<color:HEXCODE> = Changes text color with the use of hexadecimal values (#FFAA00)