Author Topic: k0mmunist/shacker - obnoxious  (Read 24913 times)

yes i know there is already a drama thread. i'm just making this one to go into detail instead of just calling him a handicap, like the other thread did


k0mmunist is annoying. in the week he's been here, he's proven himself to be extremely hostile, extremely sensitive, extremely unfunny (yes i know humor is subjective but still) and overall a very unpleasant user. i'm going to tackle each different point here separately to organize the thread.

are you handicapped
no handicap
no u, you already forgeted benny in the hard ass
go have love with benny1405
oh forget mutti's on the forums
ban that friend before he has a forum meltdown about loving geese
calm down bro

k0mmunist is obviously an alt of shacker. they act the same and post the same way. if you ask me, this wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that he's sensitive and insecure as hell about it and refuses to own up to it
all of these posts are in reaction to another user calling him shacker
hey person who hates people just because they don't have a good computer
and you're blubber and miura
shacker got banned handicap
Hello, Kid who has "Doge" and "xXx" in their name. my name is k0mmunist!
I am not shacker handicap

like bro just admit it lol you aren't fooling anybody
he also, instead of ignoring people who bully him, self-deprecates and puts himself down for no reason
can I be there for being the most handicapped forumer
no i'm 1
thanks for the compliment.
like i know hes joking but what is he trying to accomplish with this? he's basically just corncobbing himself
also in response to supermalleo's thread (which im pretty sure is a joke), he did this lol

spam isn't funny
this is one of shacker's traits aswell, further proving that he's obviously an alt
also he really likes this gay deviantart image and posts it loving everywhere
original one with faces
go for it

credit to hannahtoad for the stuffty art
these images will be stuffty,cringey and just a loving abomination

first one
look at this stuff I found
but hi though
this is why ycyl exists

i don't really know what to say that hasn't already been said other than "k0mmunist, stop it".
if he is an alt of shacker (which he probably is), then he isn't exactly welcome here due to posting links to blhack, but if he isn't, idk? so far he hasn't done anything malicious, but he's come real close to breaking the rules (in fact he faked a ban lol) so i doubt he'll last that long. maybe he'll simmer down a bit? idk

He wasn't wrong about what he said about Burton.

Also I want to point out.

You have literal autistic fits of rage because of how mathew formats his topics.

And here you are formatting your topics the same way as mathew.

1. nix ur obnoxious pls go back to iran
2. format is like matthew's - hypocrite
3. we've got like 2 other dramas on this guy
4. you have autism??maybe

1. nix ur obnoxious pls go back to iran
2. format is like matthew's - hypocrite
3. we've got like 2 other dramas on this guy
4. you have autism??maybe
lol you should get banned too

making this drama topic also is useless just because theres no point spending such effort on making a drama for people like this. clearly they're going to get banned eventually so making a topic about an obvious issue isn't going to do much

o wait i forgot ur one of his buddies nvm lol

o wait i forgot ur one of his buddies nvm lol
did u even read the thread you braindead friend
not one of his buddies
i'm just stating the truth here nix, this topic was un-needed.

lol you should get banned too

making this drama topic also is useless just because theres no point spending such effort on making a drama for people like this. clearly they're going to get banned eventually so making a topic about an obvious issue isn't going to do much
what would I be banned for tho

the other topic was just a complete stuffshow with supermalleo and k0mmunist screaming at eachother, this one is supposed to be an actual discussion

the other topic was just a complete stuffshow with supermalleo and k0mmunist screaming at eachother, this one is supposed to be an actual discussion
well ok fair enough but why did you use master matthew's format if you dislike it so much? it seems a bit hypocritical tbh

we needed this thread

well ok fair enough but why did you use master matthew's format if you dislike it so much? it seems a bit hypocritical tbh
it's celau's format dummy

zapk egostrokes with a alt account probably on a vpn or new computer part 2438528472424 "the ultimat bloc ladn trolle............."