Author Topic: [BREAKING NEWS!] [tinythread] conservatives are being silenced for the 2020 elec  (Read 1878 times)

It all makes sense. Conservatives and non-main stream media sources are why Annoying Orange won in the first place.

So because democrats are pissed off that Annoying Orange won and they are backed into a corner.

So they are now silencing Annoying Orange's voice.

Silence them for the 2020 election,

I will not be silenced. The CIA Killed kennedy.

Annoying Orange is a good president that is saving our country

conservatives: the free market will solve everything
also conservatives: we need strict government regulation to protect my right to call black people the n word and say that global warming is a hoax because the free market allows these big tech companies to silence me

please mitt romney run again for republicans

conservatives: the free market will solve everything
also conservatives: we need strict government regulation to protect my right to call black people the n word and say that global warming is a hoax because the free market allows these big tech companies to silence me

james allsup is alt-right and a handicap

EDIT: not to say those are mutually exclusive

conservatives: the free market will solve everything
also conservatives: we need strict government regulation to protect my right to call black people the n word and say that global warming is a hoax because the free market allows these big tech companies to silence me
The label system is bullstuff and out of date. Because someone calls themselves a conservative now doesn't mean the same thing it did 20 or 30 years ago, we can't just rely on text-book definitions or biased-based definitions to define people alone, because people are not static lines of text.

Yes, conservatives want rights to free speech, no It's not to "call black people the n word", the idea that all conservatives are "tribal, loveist, bigots" is bullstuff that's been perpetuated by mainstream media and mainstream social media. As far as the "Global warming is a hoax" argument goes, censoring ideas like these doesn't make them go away, ideas like this aren't based in fact but in conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theorists,  are fueled by paranoia. By silencing something like this, instead of proving them wrong, you ironically make the problem grow.

Besides the strawman and the poorly placed argument, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone outside of conspiracy theorists, on either side, to agree with the statement "we need a true free market". We've seen a true free market, and we've seen a system with no free market, they both collapse. There needs to be smart, unbiased or of various biases and precise judgement to allow a free-market to continue. Leaving a small group in California to determine what is allowed to be said, posted, and spread online can not be described, in good faith, as precise, unbiased or of various biases and smart judgment. If there were several different perspectives/biases, with several different arguments being thrown around in these boardrooms in California, the internet would not be having a free speech crCIA.

I'm not going to be foolish and say we need "unbiased" people, as unbiased people are nearly extinct, but it would be ideal to have unbiased people instead of various biased representatives to express conflicting opinions to come to an agreement on various decisions.

These "big tech companies" are more than just "big tech", they're monopolies. In situations where there are monopolies the smart decision is usually to split them apart...
however in the case of these companies, whoever keeps the original name will likely just return back to the top and the problem will never be solved. In this situation it would be smarter to classify social media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc... as public utilities or even better, have an internet bill of rights.


your own


with what money?

They'll shut you down anyways even if you had the money

The label system is bullstuff and out of date. Because someone calls themselves a conservative now doesn't mean the same thing it did 20 or 30 years ago, we can't just rely on text-book definitions or biased-based definitions to define people alone, because people are not static lines of text.

Yes, conservatives want rights to free speech, no It's not to "call black people the n word", the idea that all conservatives are "tribal, loveist, bigots" is bullstuff that's been perpetuated by mainstream media and mainstream social media. As far as the "Global warming is a hoax" argument goes, censoring ideas like these doesn't make them go away, ideas like this aren't based in fact but in conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theorists,  are fueled by paranoia. By silencing something like this, instead of proving them wrong, you ironically make the problem grow.

Besides the strawman and the poorly placed argument, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone outside of conspiracy theorists, on either side, to agree with the statement "we need a true free market". We've seen a true free market, and we've seen a system with no free market, they both collapse. There needs to be smart, unbiased or of various biases and precise judgement to allow a free-market to continue. Leaving a small group in California to determine what is allowed to be said, posted, and spread online can not be described, in good faith, as precise, unbiased or of various biases and smart judgment. If there were several different perspectives/biases, with several different arguments being thrown around in these boardrooms in California, the internet would not be having a free speech crCIA.

I'm not going to be foolish and say we need "unbiased" people, as unbiased people are nearly extinct, but it would be ideal to have unbiased people instead of various biased representatives to express conflicting opinions to come to an agreement on various decisions.

These "big tech companies" are more than just "big tech", they're monopolies. In situations where there are monopolies the smart decision is usually to split them apart...
however in the case of these companies, whoever keeps the original name will likely just return back to the top and the problem will never be solved. In this situation it would be smarter to classify social media like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc... as public utilities or even better, have an internet bill of rights.


Don't loving dismiss him because you cannot concentrate enough to read his post.

with what money?

conservatives: go into STEM fields and financing
also conservatives: "where are we gonna get the money to do X"

They'll shut you down anyways even if you had the money



Well when you own a loving monopoly.

It's pretty easy to crush the loving competition.

Don't loving dismiss him because you cannot concentrate enough to read his post.
i'm not required to respond, i read it, dismissed it and i'm just here to drive by laugh at conservatives because i'm being paid by soros

conservatives: go into STEM fields and financing
also conservatives: "where are we gonna get the money to do X"

So you want a new facebook?

Gonna cost a few loving million to compete with facebook alone.

Same goes with youtube, etc.

Want to make a new cable service to compete with cox? Just invest in a loving billion+ dollar loving satellite.