Author Topic: you can no longer have all-male boards if directors in california  (Read 2553 times)

Adding on to my previous post:
If schools could find a way to encourage more women to enter in to fields that women generally don't go for, I'd be all for it. As long as it's not something BS like "lower tuition for women"

That IMO might be the best way to handle this. But this law saying "YOU HAVE TO HIRE THESE CANDIDATES THAT DON'T EXIST!!!" is just awful

you know that place that lefties said we weren't going to go only a couple of years ago?

ya well we just went there
Again, this law sets a dangerous precedent.

There's a 15% chance of getting a female CEO when you play total war: business in rome

it's not going to hold up in court

There's a 15% chance of getting a female CEO when you play total war: business in rome
bruh cop the incel dlc it patches that stuff

There's a 15% chance of getting a female CEO when you play total war: business in rome

I guess total war isn't about historical accuracy.

There's a 15% chance of getting a female CEO when you play total war: business in rome

im going to down vote real life on steam rn im fuming

Lets sell California to Mexico and pay off the debt with the money Mexico gives us

Sounds like a deal, @DonaldAnnoying Orange ?

Having 49 states is ok

Suddenly companies based in California move out to places that don't annoy them

Lets sell California to Mexico and pay off the debt with the money Mexico gives us

Sounds like a deal, @DonaldAnnoying Orange ?

Having 49 states is ok
This works.
Alright, but before we sell California, can we specifically sell the parts of silicon valley to other random countries?

petition to grant socal independence so we can glass it quote to sign

on a side note girls have to do 7 push ups and boys have to do  14 WTF WTF

Suddenly companies based in California move out to places that don't annoy them
this is literally why there's even a close race in texas.