TotalRPG modification - bot target is Not working

Author Topic: TotalRPG modification - bot target is Not working  (Read 515 times)

I modified a totalrpg leveling up event but it doesn't appear to be working.

I needed to add a bot target for more specific events, it shows up but the events don't work. Console says nothing.

registerOutputEvent(gameConnection, "addSkillEXP", "string 50 80   int 1 999999 1   bool false", false);

registerOutputEvent(fxDtsBrick, "checkSkillMoreThan", "string 50 80   int 1 999999 1", true);

registerInputEvent(fxDtsBrick, "onHasSufficientSkill", "Self fxDtsBrick   bot bot Player player   Client gameConnection   Minigame minigame");
registerInputEvent(fxDtsBrick, "onHasInsufficientSkill", "Self fxDtsBrick   bot bot Player player   Client gameConnection   Minigame minigame");

function getLevelEXP(%level)
   %answer = 0;

   for(%i = 1; %i < %level; %i++)
      %answer += mFloor(%i + 300 * mpow(2, (%i / 7)));

   return mFloor(%answer / 4);

function gameConnection::addSkillEXP(%this, %skillName, %exp, %announce)
   %this.currentSkill = %skillName;

   if(%this.skillEXP[%skillName] $= "")
      %this.skills = %this.skills TAB %skillName;
      %this.skillLevel[%skillName] = 1;

   %this.skillEXP[%skillName] += %exp;

      %this.chatMessage("\c6You have gained\c4" SPC %exp SPC "\c6experience in the\c4" SPC %skillName SPC "\c6skill.");

   while(%this.skillEXP[%skillName] >= getLevelEXP(%this.skillLevel[%skillName] + 1))
      %this.onLevelUp(%skillName, %this.skillLevel[%skillName]);
      %this.chatMessage("\c6You've gained a level in the\c4" SPC %skillName SPC "\c6skill! You're now level\c4" SPC %this.skillLevel[%skillName] @ "\c6.");


function fxDtsBrick::checkSkillMoreThan(%this, %skillName, %level, %client, %obj)
   $InputTarget_["Self"]   = %this;
   $InputTarget_["Player"] = %client.player;
   $InputTarget_["Client"] = %client;
$InputTarget_["bot"] = %obj;

      $InputTarget_["MiniGame"] = getMiniGameFromObject(%client);
      if(getMiniGameFromObject(%this) == getMiniGameFromObject(%client))
         $InputTarget_["MiniGame"] = getMiniGameFromObject(%this);
         $InputTarget_["MiniGame"] = 0;

   if(%client.skillLevel[%skillName] >= %level)
      %this.processInputEvent("onHasSufficientSkill", %client, %obj);
      %this.processInputEvent("onHasInsufficientSkill", %client, %obj);

function gameConnection::onLevelUp(%this, %skill, %level)
   // This function exists just for packaging.
   // Probably handy if you want to implement more exquisite features of certain skills; like a combat skill.

function serverCmdSkills(%client)
   %max = getFieldCount(%client.skills);

   for(%i = 0; %i < %max; %i++)
      %skill = getField(%client.skills, %i);
      if(%skill $= "")

      %client.chatMessage("\c6" @ %skill SPC "Level\c4" SPC %client.skillLevel[%skill] SPC "\c6(\c4" @ %client.skillEXP[%skill] SPC "\c6/\c4" SPC getLevelEXP(%client.skillLevel[%skill] + 1) @ "\c6) EXP");