Author Topic: i’m traveling to china to see my dying grandma  (Read 1061 times)

grandma has dementia and is currently in currently critical condition. she’s expected to live for 2 months max. i leave in two weeks. even though my blood traces like 99 percent chinese i don’t know a lick of mandarin, never been to the country, and have never seen my grandma or my other relatives.

this is gonna suck my first time seeing her she won’t even remember who anyone is

That sucks big time.

My condolences.

holy forget this has nothing to do with the current topic but this poor man

forget someone should give him hugs and justice

what province are you going to?

qingdao, both of my parents hometown

holy forget this has nothing to do with the current topic but this poor man

forget someone should give him hugs and justice
soul crushing video but at least there's good news about it

gofundme went beyond what was needed to replace his entire collection and Lego is trying to get in touch with him as well

didn't know you were made in china descendent from china

but jokes aside, it must be a bad experience to suffer from dementia in your life, adding to the fact she's about to die in a couple months or less, there won't be really anything else to do about this, but mourn about it while you wait for death to reap her.
i have reasons to be that pessimistic rather than optimistic

from my experience, treat her like a new person every time you talk to her. sound encouraging for w/e she’s been up to and tell her about how everything’s been going great for you recently
bonus points if you subtly throw in a story she told you in the past

sucks but you can get over it. odds are she wont so make the best out of it either way
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 11:11:44 PM by Drydess »

i wonder if the blf is available behind the great firewall :o

you might have to use a vpn for everything

I know it's been like 4 years since we talked in voice but I don't you have a deep southern accent? Never expected you to be chinese.

good advice guys. i appreciate it

I know it's been like 4 years since we talked in voice but I don't you have a deep southern accent? Never expected you to be chinese.
i was born here and never learned chinese. some of my friends say i have still like traces of asian accent in my voice but if you heard my voice the first choice you would probably guess is white

I know it's been like 4 years since we talked in voice but I don't you have a deep southern accent? Never expected you to be chinese.
A lot of my chinese friends don't have an accent when they speak, most of them are born here but they speak mandarin(or cantonese) at home

abc represent

condolences to you, even if you aren't connected. family matters a lot in chinese culture, and regardless of the lack of previous contact, you probably will feel something seeing her if your parents internalized those values to you. i had a similar experience with my great grandma.

also blf is available last time i was in chinese territory, though maybe the rules are a bit different in hong kong than on mainland. been a decade since i was on mainland.

also blf is available last time i was in chinese territory, though maybe the rules are a bit different in hong kong than on mainland. been a decade since i was on mainland.

Internet in the mainland is so stuff you wont be able to tell either way.