


Author Topic: should lolicon be considered child enthusiasm part 2 (Official™)  (Read 4287 times)

i think anyone who considers themselves a fan of anime should be shoot onsight

this is now a featured post

if you like lolis you're an automatic creep

bbbut der lyke 11023923103 yiearz old

for a forum of people who claim they're not npcs, these are some npc as forget replies

Ok so where do we draw the line? It comes down to the freedom of artistic expressions again.  Do you start arresting people for doodling at home? Or only when they share thier drawings? Or maybe only when they sell em?

Doesnt this apply to violence in art? So violent video games suddenly cause kids to commit real murders? Or does this logic now only apply to loveual art.

And who is the authority over what is right or wrong? You want the big government to decide for you and punish people? We have seen how thought control is abused when you get emotional and allow facism.

How about you make laws to protect actual victims, and not hypothetical feelgood nonsense like a crazy lib. Because it will never end, you empowered them to take some freedoms, and it applies to others you wernt even aware of.

The reason cartoons are overtly PC censored today compared to the darker fun stuff from the 80s is because of people like you. You think you are helping but you arnt.

And since when has a ban ever worked? There will be far more content, and even more available after a ban.

Not sure why the huge paragraph spaces. Mobile maybe xd

for a forum of people who claim they're not npcs, these are some npc as forget replies

creep brothers be like

  Office of the President of the Blockland Forums Provisional Government  Established 2018

Lolicon is a disgrace to modern society. A resolution shall be voted on to determine the legality of Lolicon on these Blockland Forums. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

- Roulé, President of the Blockland Forums Provisional Government

for a forum of people who claim they're not npcs, these are some npc as forget replies
*visual concern*