Author Topic: Seriously thinking about taking a job in Antarctica  (Read 3636 times)

You will not get a job in Antarctica.

You will not get a job in Antarctica.
why are you still here

I say go for it! It would be a really cool experience if anything.

the isolation would be nice but i would get sick of the cold rlly quickly

i think thats cool after all how many people can say theyve been to antarctica

now THIS is a damn lie my friend
Being sweaty, smelly, sticky, having to rely on fans and air conditioners and/or being naked while home, unable to touch any sort of metallic bars or rails outside because the sun has set them ablaze, versus wearing warm snuggly clothing and only having to bundle up on covers and sheets while home and drinking hot chocolate


now THIS is a damn lie my friend
Being sweaty, smelly, sticky, having to rely on fans and air conditioners and/or being naked while home, unable to touch any sort of metallic bars or rails outside because the sun has set them ablaze, versus wearing warm snuggly clothing and only having to bundle up on covers and sheets while home and drinking hot chocolate


now THIS is a damn lie my friend
melting on the ground in a pool of sweat and tears vs a nice breeze

do it. ill do it with you.