Blockland Forums Provisional Government - Official Thread

Author Topic: Blockland Forums Provisional Government - Official Thread  (Read 1413 times)

  Blockland Forums Provisional Government Established 2018

We the people of these Blockland Forums, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this resolution for these Blockland Forums.

Article One
To protect these Blockland Forums, we the people hereby establish the Blockland Forums Provisional Government which will consist of the following leadership roles.
  • President of the Blockland Forums Provisional Government, who is responsible for the welfare and well-being of the BFPG.
  • General Secretary of the Blockland Forums Provisional Government, who is responsible for the oversight of the main Council and Senate.
The official creation date of the Blockland Forums Provisional Government shall be the Twenty Third of October, Two Thousand and Eighteen.

Article Two
All users of the Blockland Forums are hereby allowed the god-given right to the freedom of speech, religion, and politics.

Article Three
All articles are subject to change and a vote is required to amend a resolution which would edit the Constitution of the BFPG.

Article Four
To retain order and sovereignty, the people are hereby given the right to vote and decide on the future of these Blockland Forums.

Article Five
The rights of ALL citizens of these Blockland Forums are protected by this constitution, and the defending forces of the BFPG.

Article Six
The Senate is the main federation of the BFPG's politics, consisting of ten seats that are electable that will decide on the final choices of the government. The Council consists of twenty five seats, all electable. Those elected into the Senate must have been a part of the Council, and the Senate will be the main over ruler of the Council if permission is granted by the President. The General Secretary shall improvise their role and keep the law and order in the Council and Senate. The president has the final say on ALL actions.

Article Seven
The Senate has the right to form articles of Impeachment against either the General Secretary or the President, if applicable evidence of criminal or malicious activity has been found against said role holders. The Senate must have 80% (or eight seats) support to impeach said person. In the event of a vacant seat, the General Secretary shall usurp the presidential role and will have the final say. Otherwise, a constitutional crCIA may be called and a vote may be issued to fill any executive or judicial seats in said positions.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 03:40:28 PM by Roulé »

Now now, no need for disorder

You need me
I need you like I need kidney stones get out of my body and go live in a landfill

do you still listen to wu-tang albums while reading undertale research, bedpost?

do you still listen to wu-tang albums while reading undertale research, bedpost?

wtf what's wrong with undertale research?

The only thing we can even do in these forums is vote in polls. And no one can enforce it xd.

you forgot to add an article detailing how the council and senate are intended to function

can i be supreme chancellor now? furdle went to go eternally have love with ephi in hell

you forgot to add an article detailing how the council and senate are intended to function
Will do