Author Topic: "tommybricksetti"  (Read 4178 times)

Why do people have to reply to these topics by whoever this failure is?

It would be better if it just sat idle until it was out of sight...

Why do you have an account on the RETAIL BLOCKLAND forums? All you do is complain about our members. I don't blame you. But it's kinda pointless.
yea if you hate Blockland retail so much, why are you still here? Why don't you go back to cigarette central and play your outdated game...

You mean the cigarette central that most of Retailer's played before Blockland was released?

Why do you have an account on the RETAIL BLOCKLAND forums? All you do is complain about our members. I don't blame you. But it's kinda pointless.
yea if you hate Blockland retail so much, why are you still here? Why don't you go back to cigarette central and play your outdated game...

You mean the cigarette central that most of Retailer's played before Blockland was released?
No you at horrible cigarette place.

why does pro have a boner for structures that have just a frame skeleton. wheres the essence of a.....building? house? castle? ice cream, anything...

he picks the most pandaing boring things ever
both the Antenna Cradle and the Eiffel Tower are lame

yea... un-Pro builder build the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING at a 1/100th scale!

I dares you to build the entire Paris Catacombs, every last femur.


Is it just me or does this seem like another attempt by ProBuilder to throw another punch our way? I mean, come on, it was obvious when he posted this:
tries to attempt building the tower upside down in such way that it turns out to look like a stack of blocks stuck in Elmer's glue.

And also, Bisjac, he picks "wire skeleton" structures for his little "challenges" because he knows that those would be difficult to reproduce with standard lego bricks. He's focusing on complex wireframe structures instead of truly artistic and creative structures.

That's because he's using shortcuts to build a reputation with a similar structure, just a frame.

Probuilder, stop acting like you're the absolute ruler of all Blockland players. I'd like to see YOU to build a flipped/ 45-degree Eiffel Tower in retail.

tommybricksetti, stop being a moron and playing along with him.


Probuilder, stop acting like you're the absolute ruler of all Blockland players. I'd like to see YOU to build a flipped/ 45-degree Eiffel Tower in retail.

tommybricksetti, stop being a moron and playing along with him.

Yes Exactly. I think i might want to challenge him.

I have never seen tommibricksetti build anything on his own, just take credit for challenges that other people made for him. I agree with him, retail building system is easier and better I could not build stuff on Vanilla or RTB