Author Topic: Revolution 1980 TTRPG Server (WIP)  (Read 968 times)

Revolution 1980: Tabletop Roleplay Game

The Cold War diverges from our own history somewhere in the late 60s, where the economies of several major western countries take a sharp downturn. Some of them face serious communist revolution by 1970, their fall compounded by aid from the Warsaw Pact, while others are invaded following a surprise invasion by those same nations. NATO can hardly defend against the Warsaw Pact during this time. in the midst of all this the United Kingdom experiences one of the worst economic collapses of Europe from large military expenditure during fighting in France and other places, corruption, and so on causing multiple parties to gain power throughout the nation. By 1980, the inability of the government to maintain it's army faulters greatly, causing movements in Scotland to gain power and birth the Republic of Scotland. Ulster is invaded by Ireland, leaving only England and Wales in the United Kingdom. At this point, the nation hangs by a string. Several Political parties, groups, and warlords vying for power now have a chance to take over, but what's left of the government won't give it up without a fight. The revolution has begun.

State of Europe

The movements in England and Wales
Communist Party of Great Britain

"Build the United Front!"
the CRPGB gains immense power in the UK following the economic collapse instead of falling apart like it does in our timeline.
They plan to start a revolution in February. It is essentially the largest party in the game in terms of initial supporters and they are supplied by the USSR.

Reformed British Union of Fascists

Freedom. Justice. Solidarity.
Sir Oswald Mosley regrouped many of the fascists parties into one large party when it became clear the UK was falling apart, the party being RBUF.
The RBUF has the most control of London and surrounding areas.

Kingdom of Wales Movement

Wales Forever- Land of my Fathers
the Kingdom of Wales Movement gained almost immediate popularity by appealing to Welsh Nationalism during the economic collapse in the UK.
They are the largest party in Wales.

Cornish Union

One and All
The Cornish Union, or Cornwall Under The Duke's Three Points is actually the culmination of several groups ruling under a council.
They are by far the smallest faction of any in England, but hold the highest unity for their cause.

English Ultra Nationalists

England only from England.
The English Ultra Nationalists are actually not officially named The English Ultra Nationalists, they are just called that by everyone else.
Their real name is The Holy Kingdom of England. They hold the most military grade weapons of any faction.

The Game World

The game is set in Mid-Southern England and Wales, mostly because I was too lazy to build more of England and Scotland.
You, the player, will take control of a little dude to represent your character in the game world. The gameplay is reminiscent of Mount and Blade: Warband. War parties can be recruited, cities fought for, and nations made.

I haven't really finished the mechanics yet, so i'll put them here later.



Royal Navy Blockade

Blackmarket Tradepost

Thanks for viewing this far. I know there are few left on BL who like these types of roleplays, but I personally enjoy them, so whatever. If you want to help my bl name right now is VideoGamer2018

this is cool, damn. yeah its a niche interest, but the kind of scale coming out pf builds like these really hits home

jeez u put efforts on this, nice!

i think this is neat. dont giv up on it