Author Topic: [Admins Wanted] Block Party Building Contest - Blockland Day  (Read 4556 times)

Blockland Day

Blockland Day is February 24th!

What is Blockland Day?
Blockland Day is the anniversary of Blockland's official retail release. This is a day to be celebrated. 12 years ago this game was released and brought in players from all the corners of the internet, for one purpose. This is that game where you build stuff. This game is home to some of the most creative minds online. Here we have coders, level designers, game designers, artists and a wealth of gaming history. This game has garnered it's personality from the people who made up the community. This community is something to be celebrated, and on February 24th every year, Blockland Day should be a reminder to all of us. This is not a Minecraft clone , nor is it just Lego forum. This is Blockland, Home to the most Creative Community.

Block Party Building Contest

Coming soon is a server with the basic parts for a Block party, but it will also be a building contest. Anyone who builds good enough can win the Brick's Choice Award, however there will be only ONE major winner. There aren't really any prizes, but you're avatar will be set at spawn as the winner statue, and a teleport brick will be placed at spawn that will warp players to your build. Great ways to get the BCA (Brick's Choice Award) is to implement these ideas into your build:
  • Rustic style
  • Secret areas
  • Good use of Color Pallet.

Rules are placed at spawn in-game, and I won't be throwing them up here... yet.

I'm in need of admins, just leave your IGN, your BL_ID, and any previous admin experience, blockland or otherwise.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2019, 06:13:41 PM by Master Matthew² »

host a building competition

class canceled national holiday

on feb 24 we should have a day off

13 days until blockland day

blockland dies on blockland day !!!!

host a building competition
Rules and guidelines about this will be posted in the OP tomorrow. I do have plans for a Server Celebrating 12 years of Blockland.

Until then, how about a mini contest?
Make a Flag for Blockland:
*Must include the Iconic Impact B with the White Outline and glare.
*Must include some variation of blue.
*No words on the flag.

And this flag w ill be displayed in the server, and in the OP!
« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 01:53:45 PM by Master Matthew² »

i wish it was anyone but master matthew who was doing this. he constantly does it just to try and make himself important and he probably doesn't even give a forget at all about blockland or its official release

farming server will be done by then, ill put something nice up in the server commemorating it

i wish it was anyone but master matthew who was doing this. he constantly does it just to try and make himself important and he probably doesn't even give a forget at all about blockland or its official release

i wish it was anyone but master matthew who was doing this. he constantly does it just to try and make himself important and he probably doesn't even give a forget at all about blockland or its official release
idk as long as it goes nicely idrc who hosts it

on the other hand idfk how matthew expects to make a quality server in 13 days without a team or progress. u dont just make an event server with a shoddily capitalized OP
« Last Edit: February 11, 2019, 05:47:48 PM by Drydess »