Author Topic: vinyl thread again  (Read 2353 times)

last one i got was the newest muse album

Love potion - Scared of the dark

Macintosh plus/vektroid - floral shoppe (bubblegum)

Various - Flamingo funk vol 1 (orange)

Moe shop - moe moe (white)

Fibre - 810 deluxe

Enzo van Baelen - Antwerp (signed copy)

vaperror - Mana pool (vaporwave)

New Dreams Ltd/vektroid - Sleepline (clrd)

Sacred Tapestry/vektroid - Shader Complete (black)

Whitewoods - spaceship earth

Doom OST

Muse - simulation theory

I really want some arctic monkeys, tame impala and death grips records too
also tfw no hit vibes

why would you buy a gay record for $20+ when you could listen to the SAME THING on utube for free????? the Jewish are at it again i see

like a real music fan would say, 'your taste is garbage'. right mega-bear?
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 12:23:47 PM by sleep »

why would you buy a gay record for $20+ when you could listen to the SAME THING on utube for free????? the Jewish are at it again i see
dunno you probably wear streetwear, buy drugs or live in a big suburban house, we all waste our money on different things

dunno you probably wear streetwear, buy drugs, we all waste our money on different things
dont call me out like this

Only vinyl I have is the master of puppets album which I got for Christmas

whats up with the gay vaporwave

whats up with the gay vaporwave
its rare and sells for tons of $$$$$$$ either he likes vaporwave or wants to make a fat profit (though i dont agree with scalping anything)

simulation theory was a dissapointment

argh give me 10-15 min, i see you like colored vinyl.

owning vaporwave records is the dude equivalent of having a healing crystal/rocks collection

i'm only posting stuff that is colored or cool. this part of the post is all the stuff i posted to my instagram/stuff i just took pictures of.

obviously have way more to take pictures of, here's my discogs.