Author Topic: AMA for no reason  (Read 3165 times)

what is your opinion of the hentai game i sent you, which you then proceeded to go offline and play for 10 minutes
i did play it for a bit, i could end two levels but after i sucked too much at mine sweeper. i also realized that going Invisible and not actually Offline still shows the game on your profile so that was a bit weird

how do you jerk off

would you rather  :iceCream: or  :nes:
i think  :cookieMonster: is the superior emote

do you exist or are you just a human construct
about 90% of the time im sure about existing

Whates your sign
virgo and ox

have you seen my keys
yeah theyre in the last place you saw them at

it was animated and her pusillanimous individual was glowing
did u pull this face?