Author Topic: What's the Worst Part About Going to the Dentist/Orthodontist To You?  (Read 1537 times)

For me its between the feeling of the anesthesia needle inside my gums or the horrid feeling of my numb mouth after the dental procedure.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2019, 05:09:06 PM by Nigel The Protagonist »

the fact that the dentist refuses to jerk me off while im under. i mean $85 a cleaning? bitch better be cleaning off her face by the end of the procedure

The sound/feeling of the drill

Aside from that I find the dentist to be the most relaxing of any doctor/medical thing, maybe my dentist is just awesome, and the chair is comfy.

my loving lips either get cut or they feel like hell
also the pain after you get new braces

my loving lips either get cut or they feel like hell
also the pain after you get new braces


Cleanings, I had a little extra buildup in my bottom front teeth and the lady scraped the stuff out of it and it was painful as hell

back when i had one of those plastic retainers and they'd do impressions

the waiting room because it always lasts longer than the appointment itself, same for doctor checkups and what not.
otherwise, for dentist related stuff i dont care much other than the hook-tool they use to remove dental plaque

otherwise, for dentist related stuff i dont care much other than the hook-tool they use to remove dental plaque

back when i had one of those plastic retainers and they'd do impressions

bro that looks tasty af

When they floss me.
oh yeah this, when they bring out the thicc rope that's too loving thicc for your teeth

bro that looks tasty af
i have experience with those things, and trust me they will make you gag