Author Topic: Force FOV  (Read 4542 times)

Hello everyone, It's been a long time since I've been active, This time I know how to make add-ons, not only make them, but do the code for them as well!
forceFOV(amount); - Forces your FOV at the specified amount
incForceFOV(amount); Increments the forced FOV by the specified amount
decForceFOV(amount); Decrements the forced FOV by the specified amount
rstForceFOV(); - The FOV will be able to adjust itself again, you can now zoom in after resetting (rst is short for reset)

You can also use forceFOV(); or forceFOV(0); to reset.
Download link (it doesn't and won't affect other players)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 11:32:01 AM by Jeshua »

finally now i can play servers with gravity cats handicapped weapons

It should be a Client_ add on instead of Script_ since it's client sided. It should also be a client.cs instead of a server.cs. Client sided code in a server.cs is bad practice and will only work for the host in a non-dedicated server. Also not very user friendly for people who don't know how to use the console.

Not trying to be uber critical. Just some pro tips.

It should be a Client_ add on instead of Script_ since it's client sided. It should also be a client.cs instead of a server.cs. Client sided code in a server.cs is bad practice and will only work for the host in a non-dedicated server. Also not very user friendly for people who don't know how to use the console.

Not trying to be uber critical. Just some pro tips.

Okay, updated it

finally now i can play servers with gravity cats handicapped weapons

Not to seem rude but isn't there a default command that does the same thing?

Not to seem rude but isn't there a default command that does the same thing?
I don't think it's client sided like this one is, so no server ever loving has it

finally now i can play servers with gravity cats handicapped weapons

Does it also prevent F zooming?

The one I use disables zoom

Unfortunately, yes! rstForceFov(); restores it.

I don't think it's client sided like this one is, so no server ever loving has it
I meant a command that you can use in Blockland with no add-ons.

I meant a command that you can use in Blockland with no add-ons.
OP, you should see if you can make it so that you can still use the zoom key with this enabled. sounds like it’d be a fun after-hours project for ya
« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 11:44:59 PM by Drydess »

I know this topic is old (at least 30 days old since last post)
but I wasn't active on the Forums for a long time.
Also, i started the topic, so I'm posting on it anyways :cookieMonster:
Now, I was not sure if chat commands have arguments, but now
I wanna know if the way to get command arguments is the same as the console functions, except you can just enter in chat for example "/forceFOV 120" to set forceFOV (playgui.forcefov) to 120?