carrot Launcher v4

Author Topic: carrot Launcher v4  (Read 4296 times)

 i have come back from the dead to stuffpost once again but this time its better than ever..

 -featuring green tipped armor piercing carrots for enhanced entry

hmm strange carrots..........

wtf ?? my kids dont need to see this level of vulgarity and loveual imagery

damnit now i need to find more sound effects of people saying "snake" to replace the firing sound with

replace the carrot model with the  old one.  the new one is ugly

yea yea i get it i get it

this isn't even a carrot launcher at this point, now it's just a forgetin carrot .50 cal barret rifle that can turn you into red mist with one shot

dont change the name handicap

incendiary carrot launcher when

Now recreate the Penetrator from Saints Row 3.

Stop it this contains blood and violins when I shot it
I will hackerban you if you keep doing this
This is not ipppropiate for my child rehn

Stop it this contains blood and violins when I shot it
I will hackerban you if you keep doing this
This is not ipppropiate for my child rehn

was not being a handicap too hard or what