Author Topic: [news] new james bond is a black woman  (Read 15325 times)

Antifa has never killed anyone, you can whine about private property getting smashed all you want, but don't go saying they are anywhere equivalent to white supremacy.
Yeah, Antifa isn't nearly as bad because they don't commit Flash Mobs every couple of months/years as individuals with radicalized views.
They only group up in street riots and use the FEAR of death to control people and enforce their ideology onto others, way better.
LOOK OVER HERE, national socialistS!!!!1!!!111

uh, don't look down here, it's not as bad, pinky swear!

Antifa attacks Gay Journalist with Acid Milkshake

I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in the rare lunatic going on ideological rampage. I'm more interested and worried in a growing terrorist organization destroying various cities, lives and livelyhoods through brute force and fear.

They may not have killed yet, but the fact they haven't killed doesn't make them any less of a problem. They're EVERYWHERE, in nearly every city in the US.

Yeah, Antifa isn't nearly as bad because they don't commit Flash Mobs every couple of months/years as individuals with radicalized views.
They only group up in street riots and use the FEAR of death to control people and enforce their ideology onto others, way better.
LOOK OVER HERE, national socialistS!!!!1!!!111

uh, don't look down here, it's not as bad, pinky swear!

Antifa attacks Gay Journalist with Acid Milkshake

I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in the rare lunatic going on ideological rampage. I'm more interested and worried in a growing terrorist organization destroying various cities, lives and livelyhoods through brute force and fear.

They may not have killed yet, but the fact they haven't killed doesn't make them any less of a problem. They're EVERYWHERE, in nearly every city in the US.
dude youre literally proving my point, left wing terrorists havent killed anyone since vietnam, you have a boogyman in your head that you are scared of. this is next level world building, did you even read my posts? actual national socialists are killing people routinely yet you chose to completely ignore them

because what? an asian guy got a milkshake thrown at him and beaten up for filming a protest? "PFFF TOTALLY WORSE BRO THEY ARE EVERYWHERE IM SO SCARED HELP ME THE LEFTISTS ARE IN MY HOUSE"
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 02:33:06 AM by Aide33 »

The fact that you didnt even read my post and still think it's "the rare lunatic" is super disturbing since I pointed out many times how the statistics of right wing violence are increasing and this is just a fact.

I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in the rare lunatic going on ideological rampage. I'm more interested and worried in a growing terrorist organization destroying various cities, lives and livelyhoods through brute force and fear.
Can you prove to me how they have destroyed entire cities what the forget kind of claim is this? The worse they have done was destroy an amazon center that got instantly rebuilt.
Even then, there is no amount of capital damage that equals a human life. If you think destroying a building or a sign is the absolute equivalent to killing someone you are insanely delusional. Buildings are non permanent damage, but you can't bring back someone from the dead.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 02:46:45 AM by Aide33 »

They've attacked people and rioted in the streets. The only reason no one is dead because of them is a mixture of luck and intention.

They don't want to risk being broken up and the lunatics who don't care haven't been put in a situation where they have killed anyone but themselves.

That ICE antifa terrorist attack could have ended alot worse.

If you judge a groups potential danger by their kill count alone, you are blind.

If you determine a groups by handfuls of beliefs or traits alone, you're taking a huge leap. Antifa unites under a banner  and a set of beliefs. They have common beliefs and actions.

Every one of the white supremacist attacks you listed have very different core reasonings. "because forget non-whites" is not their logic. They've convinced themselves "X group is evil" and proceed to go on their attack for whatever pre defined reasoning. Or in the case of the New Zealand Christ church shooter, he was looking to start emotionsl chaos because he was an accelerationist.

They're not uniting under a flag and pledging to act in violence together. They're no different then any other murderer, Flash Mober or honor student.

Antifa is different, they're a group, an organization. They may hide behind the false belief they're decentralized but even then they're still groups, and substantially large ones.

They will kill, one day, maybe not today, but one day either by accident or design they will kill.

Antifa is a terrorist organization.

Random white supremacist incels are not a terrorist organization.

 one person every couple of months who does something violent and deadly behind some vague white supremacist notion vs an active group nearing the borderline of potentially being deadly and definetely being violent under the common belief they must 'bash the fash' attacking anyone they arbitrarily determine to be a national socialist.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 04:06:18 AM by Master Matthew² »

Can you prove to me how they have destroyed entire cities what the forget kind of claim is this?

Is it fair to say I just hate everyone? I mean honestly, politics is just so polarized nowadays that you can't be conservative on some things and liberal on others, you HAVE to be either US or THEM.

I literally saw someone bringing politics onto a Elder Scrolls online dlc release trailer
The topic was why they still have the gay flag colors in their logo, the answer is obvious, it's

The ADL is the same group that have determined memes to be tribal hate symbols.

And as far as CBS, besides the media's tendency to get very vague about what they determine to be "alt right", "Right wing extremist", "far right". You and everyone else needs to learn to start reading these articles like lawyers. Suspect every word and how the sentences are laid out. "Right wing extremists were linked to atleast 50 different murders."

Linked is a very vague word in this case, being linked could even mean they were the Victim or friends with the victim.

Did this handicap really post 1-2 white supremacist acts of violence a year and cite it as white supremacy being on the rise?

And on top of that, add in the tired old line "WELL ANTIFA HASNT KILLED ANYONE WEH"

Typical whattaboutism, miss me with that forget stuff brother lmao

You managed to cite... 13 events. Over a decade. That's white supremacy on the rise? Are you loving handicapped?

You even try to bring up some stuff from 2006. That's not loving relevant at all, dipstuff. What the forget are you smoking?

White supremacy isn't on the rise in the US. Every single act confirmed to be white supremacy has been condemned, universally, by everyone, everywhere, all the time. And I mean ACTUAL white supremacy, not your handicapped "left of Marx is national socialistism" backwards ass bullstuff

No one said there have been 0. I said it's not on the rise. There's no national socialist party coming into power. There's no white supremacist politicians rising to stardom. And no, before you try it, Annoying Orange isn't tribal, you're just handicapped.

And forget this whole "Antifa hasn't killed anyone so it's okay" bullstuff.

They put one guy in a coma, gave one dude a brain hemorrhage, and the 70 year old dipstuff who suckled their meatnip could've killed everyone in that ICE detention facility had he not gotten gunned down like a degenerate forgetwit. They've assaulted countless PEOPLE. You're over here talking about private property like the only thing they do is kick over cans. People like you who make excuses for Antifa while trying to point at the white supremacist bogeyman are legitimate scum. The lowest order of human. Au Seivera

This is all just property damage right?

Wow, look at all that PROPERTY damage!

Not to mention how Antifa has showed up to every single protest and event on either side to forget it up. Black Lives Matter protest? Best believe black bloc handicaps will be there to incite violence. Conservative event? They'll be there to get stuff poppin. Every time, for the last three years, while handicaps like Aides plays interference for them, talking about property damage while COMPLETELY ignoring the human and cultural cost of Antifa's constant and present threat on freedom of speech. They've made speaking a potential ass-kicking, and you're sitting here pointing at a "non-exhaustive list" of 13 attacks over the last decade.

No one's even saying white supremacy isn't that bad, that's the funny thing. The problem comes when handicaps try to conflate conservatism as a whole with white supremacy. I don't expect you to understand that since you legit just told me I'm closer to being a national socialist, despite STILL BEING ON THE LEFT OF THE CENTER, and trying to excuse your dumbassery with "well I'm not wrooong"

White supremacy sucks. Antifa sucks. These are not two conflicting statements. You can, and should, be equally capable of condemning both, but instead, you want to sit around trying to tell us its okay cause no one died yet. Attacking people with bike locks and crowbars is fine as long as they're living. That's some Batman type logic. So you can snap a bone or two, maybe cave a skull in, but as long as they're breathing, no harm done? Kick rocks, mong. I live for the day handicaps like you are dragged into the street by the commie scum you so desperately defend. "I'm with you guys! I'm with you guys!" you scream as they whip the bike lock across the back of your skull.

Just remember you're on the chopping block too, loving idiot.

Is it fair to say I just hate everyone? I mean honestly, politics is just so polarized nowadays that you can't be conservative on some things and liberal on others, you HAVE to be either US or THEM.
im not tribal i hate  every people :D

[NEWS] The USSR anthem is the only thing Dues Ex listens to

i could power my house for a week with the amount of wasted energy in this thread

woman bad man good unga bunga

but the woman is literally taking his identity.

I wanted to caress Idris Elba’s mustache as he holds me in his arms as he kisses me goodnight this is an outrage