Author Topic: clan -=FA=-(fallen angels)  (Read 3262 times)


  • Guest
if you want to join put the tag infront of your name, the tag around FA can be anything, but not -=FA=- cause thats leader/coleader tag. and for the first one to join they get free coleader status  :cookieMonster:

man you're such a -=cigarette=-

you bumped a 6-month old topic, congrats. =/

What up with the reviving? It's fine in the files section if the Download link goes down, but not in the clans section. It's the most handicapped section ever.

Must... resist.... SCREW IT.


I can't find my other one. :(

Loel, Necromancer from Diablo II. Apparently he casted his level (month) 6 revive spell on this thread. Shame.

I like the skateboarding group, but I seriously doubt this clan will make it one more week.

I havnen't seen Kilala on for a while so... BTW she is Kilala.

I like the skateboarding group, but I seriously doubt this clan will make it one more week.

Dates are fun to read.  :cookieMonster:

I R not ready very good, I taught it was mad lik yesturday.

loel i almst did 2 4 a secnd

man you're such a -=cigarette=-

Lets give him a pair of skater cigarette jeans that make any1s ass look as good as Trent from Nine Inch Nails.


  • Guest
OK scince no one seems to like clans anymore someone either lock this thread down, delete it, or just let it die in peace.