Author Topic: Horrendously Awful Month  (Read 1463 times)

So as some of you already know, a while back I went on a trip to visit my friend. Everything was going fine, until it wasn't...

I was tired, lost, and frustrated. I drove my civic off the road, hit a tree, and ripped out the rear suspension. My car was destroyed and I had to shell out over an extra $120 to pay for a hotel while I waited for someone to come out nearly 1000mi to get me.

I was broke, angry, and depressed. I had no money in the bank, and several hundred dollars that I still needed to pay off. Even still, me and my brother shelled out for a used Chevy Trailblazer, so that I would have something to get me around.

Then amidst all this, last week, my manager decided to fire me.

I don't know why. Naturally no one will tell me anything, but it probably had to do with an incident earlier that same morning that was caused by him changing the schedule without telling me. Something he is very prone to do.

So now, I have no money, aside from what's left of my savings, a, rather gross, unfamiliar vehicle, no job, and about $400 in credit card charges that I still need to pay off.

If this isn't justification for soul crushing depression, I don't know what is.

On the plus side. I have plenty of time to learn things like proper web development, something I've been meaning to do for years.

forget life...

All I can really say is that I've felt that things have been going to stuff after July ended
and christ that car, I hope you work that out

that’s super unfortunate. gl with everything man... maybe look into online based jobs or commissions to make websites or something to get by in the short term

amazon mechanical turk may work if you have patience and focus, for example.

damn good luck my furry brother

That sucks harder than my final few weeks at my third year at college.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone.
Especially considering BLF's usual toxic reputation.
I'm always glad to see that this place can be kind when it actually matters.

It looks though, like life isn't quite done pissing on me just yet.
I just had a 4TB drive fail. So now, not only do I have to replace a hard drive, I have to replace one of the most expensive drives I have.
So yeah. Not exactly better. But at this point, I'm not sure it matters.

I'll try to yet you know if it goes any further downhill.

how are you doing man this fine september

That sucks man sorry you never need an excuse to feel depressed though it's not something you need to justify or not. In this case definitely so though.

how are you doing man this fine september
Still awful unfortunately. Then again, September always seems to go wrong for me. I don't know why.

I do have a Chevy TrailBlazer now. Cost me damn near everything I had left, and I loving hate that car, but at least I do have a car again.
Still no job though.
That sucks man sorry you never need an excuse to feel depressed though it's not something you need to justify or not. In this case definitely so though.
I know. I'm mildly bipolar, so I tend to have times when I'll feel depressed without much reason, but this has really been some of the worst.

Still awful unfortunately. Then again, September always seems to go wrong for me. I don't know why.

same, is rly good but also kinda nostalgic/melancholy to me now cuz i miss the era :(

stop feeling sorry for yourself and go clean your room.

I am so sorry for your loss. Perhaps you can try to pray to god that he'll show you the way to success?