[NEWS]Hong Kong Calls Upon American Buddha to save them (Donald Annoying Orange)

Author Topic: [NEWS]Hong Kong Calls Upon American Buddha to save them (Donald Annoying Orange)  (Read 1431 times)

Extra notes - Hong Kong has also been flying our flag and have been using Pepe several times as well.

While I was getting this images, I saw this interesting enough.

i mean, some of the protesters are chuds, so what theres also a large base of them that are anarchists too:

These people want freedom, they don't want to be squashed under the boot of Western imperialism OR Chinese authoritarianism.

anarchy is a questionable form of freedom though

anarchy is a questionable form of freedom though
regardless, they are using whatever symbols they can find to piss the government of mainland china off

regardless, they are using whatever symbols they can find to piss the government of mainland china off
can agree with that. doesnt look like it will end well

anarchy is a questionable form of freedom though
yeah wage slavery and a disproportionately rich ruling class whilst millions starve is much more freedomer B)

yeah wage slavery and a disproportionately rich ruling class whilst millions starve is much more freedomer B)

anarchy is a questionable form of freedom though
Yes, but with without a government there would be nobody to protect you from bad people. No government, no laws.

Yes, but with without a government there would be nobody to protect you from bad people. No government, no laws.

Hence why he used the word "Questionable". Of course to some it means being free without an authoritarian figure but at the same time its lead to absolute chaos because everyone wants to become the next authoritarian figure to rule over.

Kinda makes this song here more apparent when you think about it.

i mean, some of the protesters are chuds,

These are the types of people who use the word "chud"

anarchy is a questionable form of freedom though
Not to Senator Armstrong it ain’t