Author Topic: Why is vaping getting banned when cigs exist?  (Read 1545 times)

Kinda weird how every state is rushing to ban vaping.

But will do nothing about cigarettes. lol

cigs have lobbyists and existing laws that probably need to be changed to ban it, vapes pretty much have none (lobbyists or existing laws) so its easier to ban

cigs have lobbyists and existing laws that probably need to be changed to ban it, vapes pretty much have none (lobbyists or existing laws) so its easier to ban

if vapes would've been a bigger thing it probably wouldn't have been easy to get rid of them

So basically greedy cigarettes want their vaping competition out of the picture

If we banning vaping then we should ban cigarettes

This thread makes no loving sense

vaping n cigs are pushed by the same people

This thread makes no loving sense

vaping n cigs are pushed by the same people

Apparently not otherwise vaping would have the same protection

So basically greedy cigarettes want their vaping competition out of the picture

If we banning vaping then we should ban cigarettes

who is bannign cigarets? there is no word of cigarette bans in the news where you getting this from

who is bannign cigarets? there is no word of cigarette bans in the news where you getting this from

Vaping is getting banned

Apparently not otherwise vaping would have the same protection
or maybe they wanted to get kids hooked on vaping and then pull back so they turn to cigs :/

cigs have lobbyists and existing laws that probably need to be changed to ban it, vapes pretty much have none (lobbyists or existing laws) so its easier to ban
this, also cigs are taxed to stuff whilst vapes aren't. the government doesn't wanna lose that source of income. it's handicapped

I wanna know how many people actually only started vaping just to be cool(teens specifically), vs someone who has smoked ciggs for years and actually feel as if they have a nicotine addiction lol.

this, also cigs are taxed to stuff whilst vapes aren't. the government doesn't wanna lose that source of income. it's handicapped

same reason weed is illegal

Could the fact that a lot of people are dying because of vape be perhaps because of teenagers buying stuff quality cartridges from sketchy sources? I think these could use some regulation.

Could the fact that a lot of people are dying because of vape be perhaps because of teenagers buying stuff quality cartridges from sketchy sources? I think these could use some regulation.
that's literally it yeah, they bought some sketchy cartridges with weird flavouring chemicals in them