WTF is with china censoring american stuff?

Author Topic: WTF is with china censoring american stuff?  (Read 5033 times)

This is your brain on socialist noodles

forget off nerd
forget off contrarian
It's not contrarianism or being nerdy.

Linux is better than windows in every way

Linux boots up exponentially faster than windows.
Linux has better security than windows.
Linux is open source, windows isn't.
Linux Distributions have options to suit your needs and preferences, windows doesn't.
Linux runs faster than windows.
Linux runs games better windows.
Linux costs less than windows, free.

And most relevant to the conversation, open source projects like Linux can't hold allegiance to countries or corporations, if they do a fork will take their place.

Linux does what Windon't
holy stuff, that's cheesy
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 11:18:55 PM by Master Matthew² »

I regret to inform everyone that Lord Antonio the Third was found dead with several self inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of the head. We will greatly miss him and wish he made wiser life choices.

Linux is better than windows in every way
not in every way
not all programs that run on windows can run on linux easily
i do prefer linux servers over windows servers though

not in every way
not all programs that run on windows can run on linux easily
i do prefer linux servers over windows servers though
Eh, for most people it will do.

If you're a content creator you're basically SOL for now.  And gaming isn't perfect in terms of compability, but usually games run better. But any game with easy anti-cheat or Battleye is currently waiting for that proton inevitable update.

But basically, ProtonDB can show you what games run on proton, how well and even what games are Linux native.

However, open source projects can never sell their soul to China.

Okay guys, so technically, according to this video:

And the tweet referenced inside, blizzard infers that china is "their country".

I'm willing to accept that this means blizzard, as a corporation is rejecting it's american cizenship, atleast in a metaphorical sense since corporations can't actually be citizens.

TL:DR theyre more Chinese (CCP) than American now, twisted and evil.

MM is the right

as much as I abhor his political views I commend him for being intellectually consistent sometimes

also lol at everyone in this thread going "china is communist because they said so" and simultaneously saying "Antifa are the real fascists, their name is wrong" as if these aren't two solid contradicting points

you guys have to realize that you cant just take stuff for granted and run with the self-described names for things and do a bit of nuanced brown townysis to describe things that are as complicated as a government or political movements. if you don't you will come to bbrown town conclusions like "North Korea is actually democratic because they call themselves the democratic people's republic of korea"

brother i’ve read enough theory to understand that while china is a revisionist marxist government, it’s still socialist in that they give free healthcare, free education, and various other social programs designed to be socialist. Just because it has a market doesn’t mean it’s not socialist as there are various forms of handicapation that has markets in it, two ideologies being dengism and market socialism.
also: big government programs are not socialism

socialism is literally defined in every single place as a worker controller(planned) economy and worker controller corporations

the chinese literally de-collectivized most industries and handed it to private business owners or the government. so these days you have a system of private corporations (no workplace democracy/no workers voting for their CEO) that are either owned by the government or a private individual

this is a form of state capitalism because the proletariat don't have control over the means of production, it's purely run by an undemocratic goverment or some random rich guy
Quote from: above link
The Communist Party authorities carried out the market reforms in two stages. The first stage, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, involved the de-collectivization of agriculture, the opening up of the country to foreign investment, and permission for entrepreneurs to start businesses. However, most industry remained state-owned. The second stage of reform, in the late 1980s and 1990s, involved the privatization and contracting out of much state-owned industry and the lifting of price controls, protectionist policies, and regulations, although state monopolies in sectors such as banking and petroleum remained. The private sector grew remarkably, accounting for as much as 70 percent of China's gross domestic product by 2005.[5] From 1978 until 2013, unprecedented growth occurred, with the economy increasing by 9.5% a year. The conservative Hu Jintao's administration regulated and controlled the economy more heavily after 2005, reversing some reforms.[6]

if you still think it's "socialist" after reading that article i pity your understanding of any political theory, since it's an incredibly nuanced topic and simply saying "big government = socialism" is the stupidest thing to say

also lol at everyone in this thread going "china is communist because they said so" and simultaneously saying "Antifa are the real fascists, their name is wrong" as if these aren't two solid contradicting points

you guys have to realize that you cant just take stuff for granted and run with the self-described names for things and do a bit of nuanced brown townysis to describe things that are as complicated as a government or political movements. if you don't you will come to bbrown town conclusions like "North Korea is actually democratic because they call themselves the democratic people's republic of korea"

??? But China still continues socialist/communist principles to this day? What are you even talking about

it's a communist nation what do you expect
authoritarian state capitalism isn't communism, communism is an ideology where there are no borders and no currency you bonehead


i am a proud republican (not a antifa...........) (im a patritot.) i support small government apart from when it comes to armies, policing, surveillance and locking up immigrant children lol.. im proud to be an amierican!.

i cant believe china is undermining hong kong's sovereignty, my proud nation of america never would do that to cuba, venezuela, chile, vietnam, north korea, south korea, australia, greece, laos, brazil, afghanistan, bolivia, indonesia, iran, egypt and the many other nations. so many russian bots trying to meddle with our elections in our good nation of the usa and a