Author Topic: its almost over - a doomer thread  (Read 2887 times)

from nonnel

i love most of you guys but its our last year probably. this forum will cease to exist in 2020 this place hasnt been interestesting since a lot of people left its true

also i hope this forum gets arhived and not taken down , one more new years on blockland and BADSPOT should just endorse brickadia unless he too busy drawing

i feel like we're in one of those 'end of the universe' scenarios where everything slowly fades away

i feel like we're in one of those 'end of the universe' scenarios where everything slowly fades away
I don't feel so good, Mr. Resonte

how can you not feel so good just dont not feel good !

RIP my rate of creating 5 threads per month with just regular gaming news or new release discussion. glad to speed up the decay rate with remarking INH looks like a honor student. have fun with the junk threads bloating the corpse of this website. Blockland has been Discord channels since before I made Sleep x3c

RIP my rate of creating 5 threads per month with just regular gaming news or new release discussion. glad to speed up the decay rate with remarking INH looks like a honor student. have fun with the junk threads bloating the corpse of this website. Blockland has been Discord channels since before I made Sleep x3c
Someone's bitter.

RIP my rate of creating 5 threads per month with just regular gaming news or new release discussion. glad to speed up the decay rate with remarking INH looks like a honor student. have fun with the junk threads bloating the corpse of this website. Blockland has been Discord channels since before I made Sleep x3c
this is your brain on

Well, if November really is the end of the BLF, I gotta say it's been a hell of a ride.

Funny posts, stupid posts, creative posts, and obviously news posts.

It'll be missed. 2018-2019 is the year of dying or dead websites.
Any Tabloid ragebait media sites

This is it, the second .com bubble, probably will be called the "Media Bubble". 

It's been fun, some sites will survive, others will not. And clearly we're the latter.

Still wish blockland had Steam Workshop support.

i stopped using this forum because every time i try and browse its the same guy talking about how youtube will PERISH even though its been like 4 years and nothing has changed

BADSPOT should just endorse brickadia
why would badspot endorse brickadia, the game that put him out of business

i stopped using this forum because every time i try and browse its the same guy talking about how youtube will PERISH even though its been like 4 years and nothing has changed
YouTube isn't going to black out and vanish. no stuff. That's not what I mean when I say it's dying I mean its not YouTube anymore. It's TV.

im looking through the 12 active users (in the past 15 mins) and i see people such as Subpixel/Zapk and others who don't post anything

i am currently the only registered person on this website online and that makes me depressed ong