Author Topic: your favorite/most remembered servers  (Read 13521 times)

I'm just gonna level with you guys, when I first started playing this game I liked family rp servers a lot. and I spent a lot of time on them and I still have some nostalgia for it. the ones I hosted were usually my favorite but there was this other guy who hosted one often and I liked it, but I can't remember what his name was lmao. I think it started with a T but who knows
are you kidding me dude the first like three years for me playing blockland were exclusively on family rps. that stuff was cash as forget

I'm just gonna level with you guys, when I first started playing this game I liked family rp servers a lot. and I spent a lot of time on them and I still have some nostalgia for it. the ones I hosted were usually my favorite but there was this other guy who hosted one often and I liked it, but I can't remember what his name was lmao. I think it started with a T but who knows

Wizard's Dogfight
Redguy's Unlimited Mining
Redguy's City RPG
Tezuni's Prison Escape

The Creeper Gamemode
Any server that hosted the No Mercy Subway
and the original city rpg gamemode

creeper was a passing fad that i wish never went

I remember that in creeper it was fast paced and you had to build a decent structure that had at least a 1x1 empty brick space so the creeper could get in your base, at least that's the rule i remember.

I remember that in creeper it was fast paced and you had to build a decent structure that had at least a 1x1 empty brick space so the creeper could get in your base, at least that's the rule i remember.
the one i remember was that you had to destroy the creeper in a certain map and that was basically it, but it was really fun. when exactly was your creeper?

kreons community rps
tezuni's prison escape
conan's pload ripoff (fun as forget)
thebrighterdark's casino thing
stikfas' vore rp
tezuni's slopes ctf

the one i remember was that you had to destroy the creeper in a certain map and that was basically it, but it was really fun. when exactly was your creeper?

This would have been probably around 2011. The few servers that i played, you had to survive for as long as you could. But in others i remember that the main goal was to destroy the creeper.

Victory's Zombie Survival
Nails' Jailbreak
K9 Kid's zombie servers
Visolator's Randomizer
Every single Despair Fever server
The Black Parrot's Falling Tiles
Tezuni's everything
Faraday and Yawa200's Bounty Hunter
Sanctus Rem's Grapple Knife
Basically every speedkart server Deadfall07 recorded on
Stikfas' servers

The Craftsmen's Stalkers vs Humans
Bushido's King of Ghosts
ArmyUnit's MAS vs Bugs Trench CTF
Nickel's Randomizer DM
Wizzard's [SS] Dogfight
YorkTown95's CRP
loving around with ZAPT and other addons in demo for a while before buying the game

People always tell me they remember my Airboat server haha. It was definitely fun but in hindsight it was definitely an admin abuse server too lol.

Jorgur's Dogfight
Kong123's Deathrace
Zapk's Disease
Despair Fever
Mafia Madness
Prison Escape
Slopes CTF

i remember that aaa

i wonder what it was

kind of hard to explain

it's a little fuzzy, but it was a perlin noise-generated cubescape with low-level infinite water. in order to build, you had to place a "building zone" and you could only place one. there were crops you could grow and harvest, when you harvested them you could plant them as bricks to store them so they wouldn't take up your inventory. there was also a mine that was randomly generated that you entered through a teledoor. you progressed through different teledoors and mined for different things, and there was a chance that there would be a cave-in which meant you had to GET OUT OF THERE NOW. once a cave-in happened the cave would be reset.

there was also currency. you could also kill each other iirc and you'd drop your stuff if you died. you could also steal each other's stored, harvested crops - though i'm pretty sure that was a bug.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 09:09:10 PM by Electrk.. »