Author Topic: [a spook story] garry  (Read 972 times)

whats up forum i wanted to make this post describing a spooky event that happened to me in and out of blockland because idk its funny
looking at it now im almost certain it was an elaborate and extremely drawn out prank but whatever

ok so, be me. i'm like, 12 at the time and i'm in a stupid fnaf server (yeah). this user joins. his name is Garry. he spawns in, his playermodel is just the default blockhead with a very slightly faded color scheme.
he acts just like a bot, like the bots you spawn in in the special tab that just walk around and spray stuff
owner gets mad and kicks him. i get bored and leave, hosting a freebuild server bc im bored
a dude joins and builds a... thing? it's like a chair with a missing leg, and the broken leg is interactable and displays some spooky text i don't remember, something like 'you dont understand'
remembering that garry dude im like yo you talkin about that garry dude and he says yeah. we become friends. looking back at it now this dude was probably just using multiple clients to forget around with me

around this time, garry was restricted to blockland servers. i had my first run in with him outside of the fnaf server in my pal's freebuild, but he didn't move, only communicating through the emotes. we get bored and build a box around him and he manages to teleport out. we couldn't find where he went (and nobody bothered to look) and he left

we had several other runins with garry. every time he joined a part of his model would turn red, and he would start talking backwards. none of it made any sense, though, it was just edgelord words like 'why' and 'who did this'. we also found out he could be 'programmed' to do things by saying stuff in chat (ex. hammer nix)

meanwhile, friend (calling him billy. we dont talk anymore, probably unfriended me bc he got bored of this whole charade) is having a loving wild time. apparently he has run ins with garry in garry's mod (haha), with a default skin player joining his singleplayer server and building some weird stuff. one time he built a big ass shed that he could hear crying inside, one time he built a dude hanging by a noose from a tree, and once he boarded off the infamous gm_construct's dark room entrance. billy went up to it, barely saw some feet through the boards, took a picture and the server crashed. he also recorded a video of him noticing a dark figure very far in the distance on gm flatgrass shortly before the game crashes

i actually had a run in with this weird figure myself, on an server where he appeared infront of my face before disappearing. spooky stuff
i also remember seeing skulls rain from the sky in the area just below gm_construct's skybox (right below the skybox is an empty spot you can walk around in)

billy also talked about strange occurances happening outside of video games (these are definitely fake lol). first, he found a dead rat in his closet, decapitated with a deep gash in the tile where its neck would be. another time he saw his mirror defiled with wet blood saying something edgy, and one time he said his entire bathroom was covered in blood

he also had a run in with garry in the escapists of all things, with his character loading into a weird, dark, regal looking castle with BlOoD

around this time since i was an impressionable little child who believes in the paranormal (still do! ghosts are cool) was paranoid. i remember hearing my front door open at night (was just the cat) and i damn near stuffted my undies

billy also had a story regarding finding a game in his steam library he never bought. he opened it and it was like, an atari style game where the player was a White Square. every time he beat a level, something would show up in big grainy letters or some stuff. there was also a similar occurance where he played a game where you played as a blockhead in a platformer and at the end the blockhead killed himself

i probably forgot alot of stuff since this whole ordeal happened a long time ago but i believe it happened over the course of like, half a year, so if it was a prank the dude must've been loving dedicated
thoughts? i personally think its p fake now

i have images somewhere, gonna look for them

The spookiest part of this story is the fact that you willingly went on a Fnaf server

honestly sounded like an interesting bot that would really creep me out at the same age but after reading what Billy told you it's likely just his attempt to scare kids. the blockhead platformer sounds like a sonic.exe/luna game clone

the blockhead platformer sounds like a sonic.exe/luna game clone
it basically was. played janky, looked like it was made in gamemaker studio in a weekend

what the freak?? oh my god. i was billy. legitimately embarrassing to see this resurface v_v yeah obviously none of that was real i was handicapped back then and i'm surprised anybody still remembered this thing

im more worried about how your cat opened the front door

what the freak?? oh my god. i was billy. legitimately embarrassing to see this resurface v_v yeah obviously none of that was real i was handicapped back then and i'm surprised anybody still remembered this thing
haha oh forget man
in all honesty it was a good prank atleast
im more worried about how your cat opened the front door
idk how either

good to see this come to a conclusion finally atleast, was really wondering if it was a prank or not