Author Topic: I got a 3D printer  (Read 1616 times)

What color rooster should I print?

What else should I print?

can you print me a new richard, I was involved in an accident involving canned fish

can you print me a new richard, I was involved in an accident involving canned fish
i already need a replacement because of some coconut accident

i already need a replacement because of some coconut accident
can you print me a new richard, I was involved in an accident involving canned fish
i'll cut off my richard and give half to each of you, so that it bleeds and bends like a real richard instead of being plastic. i have like a 4 inch richard, so 2 inches for both of you. sorry only one you gets the head of the rooster though

one of the radio guys in my shop 3d printed his own rooster.

one of the radio guys in my shop 3d printed his own rooster.
This is the only correct option

so that it bleeds and bends like a real richard instead of being plastic.

Fyi real richards arent supposed to bleed unless you shove a pen down them too vigorously or something

Fyi real richards arent supposed to bleed unless you shove a pen down them too vigorously or something
i mean, assuming they have priapism

yeah we got one a couple weeks ago. been printing face masks lul

yeah we got one a couple weeks ago. been printing face masks lul
I was thinking of doing that. I've been printing gun parts and miniature figurines from games and geese