Author Topic: Anyone just remember an old name and wondered what happened to them?  (Read 110172 times)

Didn't you have another name before Khaz? Something like Jacky. Or was that someone else.

Some more names at the top of my other head: (5head)

Chrono (can't remember if he changed name)
Monkeyboy (did he also change name? man I have dementia)

and of course Ladezkik, don't think I've heard from him since he left Cohort

Nixton is still playing occasionally, he posts in the brickadia discord.

racerboy popped up now and then a few years back without attracting much attention so idk seemed ok

i think he was outed as some sort of universally hated group at one point (eg child enthusiasts, overt tribals, hackers, bigots, etc) but very little attention was directed to him since he barely posted
Racerboy was legit a child enthusiast though
« Last Edit: August 14, 2020, 08:39:35 PM by plad101 »

I joined an old server of his early this year and immediately noticed that the map he had loaded up was a map that I cocreated with another on the 24th of June, 2017 back when I was hosting DM maps. i'm certain it was him(he did most of it) I didn't have proof at the time but now that i'm on my older computer I remember that I had all the saves and it's the exact map. saved it as all bricks being mine though, maybe he hid his BLID somewhere in the mix

oh and whoever hosted Martial Law PLEAS BRO COME BACK
« Last Edit: August 15, 2020, 06:26:02 PM by CM1107ProjectInfinium »

oh and whoever hosted Martial Law PLEAS BRO COME BACK
bruh celau was hosting it

what did racerboy do

bruh celau was hosting it
yeah I know he also hosted it but there was one other dude, the original guy who made it I think his username was like, his real name, like Brian (Lastname) or something

yeah I know he also hosted it but there was one other dude, the original guy who made it I think his username was like, his real name, like Brian (Lastname) or something
Brian Smith?

Who was Brian Smith? Like, didn't he used to have some other name on here?

Apparently their name was also added to Blockland's credits at some point

Who was Brian Smith? Like, didn't he used to have some other name on here?

Apparently their name was also added to Blockland's credits at some point
fairly sure all his older names were very short lived - most of his activity was under brian smith. later on when he left i think he did adopt an alias but im not sure what.

Don't a couple of these people show in-an-out on the BL Content Creators discord?

I wouldn't know, I don't go there