Author Topic: 2020/05/29 - Blockland r2033  (Read 91975 times)


  • Administrator
Blockland r2033
  • Duplicate clients are now kicked by default.  If you want to allow multi-clienting, set $Pref::Server::AllowMultiClient = 1
  • Fixed case where netEvents could overflow the packet buffer and be partially sent.  This should fix some cases of freezing during datablock load and "(Mis)" disconnects.

This should fix some cases of freezing during datablock load and "(Mis)" disconnects.
and all was good

is making selectiveghosting default possible                                                                       pls?

Thanks for fixing the (Mis) problem!

Something to be aware of, a dedicated server's dtoken arg is dumped to the console on startup. May want to remove that to prevent a lot of pain for people that need to send console.logs.

is there any way to get a user's steam id?
client.getsteamid() seems to always return 0

Fixed case where netEvents could overflow the packet buffer and be partially sent.  This should fix some cases of freezing during datablock load and "(Mis)" disconnects.

thank god


(mis) me with that stuff

I think steam ban is preventing me from hosting a server on unbanned keys, is this intentional?

Sweet Update.

Small bug in the multi-client kick allows you to pull off this trickery of 0 players on a non-dedicated server.