Author Topic: BLS to blender? How to port .dts textures?  (Read 1440 times)

I have found the .dts converter but i needed to convert bls files to a different kind. Any other addons for this?

As well as this if someone can help, how do i port over textures with specifically the .dts one?
« Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 09:38:01 AM by like30pencils »

Can't link it here but what you want to search for is bls2obj, and then import the obj in to blender.

Can't link it here but what you want to search for is bls2obj, and then import the obj in to blender.
Or you can use Siba's BLB/BLS importer, but it works best in Blender 2.68, so you'd have to be willing to downgrade to use it and not have the UV mesh distorted