Author Topic: hobby discussion thread  (Read 9476 times)

BrikWars? Is this like, LEGO Wargaming? I've been wanting to get into tabletop wargaming for a while, but I know nobody who's into it. Maybe it's worth checking out this proposal made to me once by this shop I go to every so often. They host tabletop events, maybe I'll find something interesting there.
you should try it out, tabletop games are fun as forget

I have a garden and have an obsession with starting plants from seed, even if i dont have space for them or the right environment. At this moment i have two mature tomato plants with colossal tomatoes already (Bush Early Girl hybrid and Debut cultivars, both potted/container tomatoes) and two or three chili pepper plants (Serrano, Cayenne, and Tabasco peppers respectively. The serrano is a container plant) and a cantaloupe that flowered today, several sweet corn plants and some herbs (Basil, Lavender, Spearmint, Chives, Cilantro) and at my grandmothers she has a large backyard so i've planted watermelons and pumpkins over there. (Charleston grey watermelons and Jack O lantern pumpkins)

I have a garden and have an obsession with starting plants from seed, even if i dont have space for them or the right environment. At this moment i have two mature tomato plants with colossal tomatoes already (Bush Early Girl hybrid and Debut cultivars, both potted/container tomatoes) and two or three chili pepper plants (Serrano, Cayenne, and Tabasco peppers respectively. The serrano is a container plant) and a cantaloupe that flowered today, several sweet corn plants and some herbs (Basil, Lavender, Spearmint, Chives, Cilantro) and at my grandmothers she has a large backyard so i've planted watermelons and pumpkins over there. (Charleston grey watermelons and Jack O lantern pumpkins)
lucky, i live in florida so i can only grow herbs/citrus

lucky, i live in florida so i can only grow herbs/citrus
is it because of the heat?

i love cooking anything and astronomy(sky watching, satellite tracking, etc) mostly

is it because of the heat?

i love cooking anything and astronomy(sky watching, satellite tracking, etc) mostly
heat and humidity, either your plant will burn up or (i assume) wither due to lack of carbon dioxide

heat and humidity, either your plant will burn up or (i assume) wither due to lack of carbon dioxide
It depends, say, an onion may not survive in florida as well as it would in illinois where as a pepper plant would be balling in the sun and heat in florida, it just depends on the plant really, lots of factors. Mostly the heat and humidity kills plants that aren't hardy to it. Imagine a pepper, it lives in south america, a onion is from somewhere in europe or north america or whatever so they like cooler, shorter day weather, etc
« Last Edit: July 10, 2020, 04:55:30 PM by Protoss Dragoon »

yah but the thing is florida isn't sunny all the time, when summer rolls around the weather rapidly flip-flops from 90 degrees to hurricane so unless you can grow plant in less than a year you're forgeted

yah but the thing is florida isn't sunny all the time, when summer rolls around the weather rapidly flip-flops from 90 degrees to hurricane so unless you can grow plant in less than a year you're forgeted
lmao yea that sounds forgeted up

hurricane szn forgetin wit my vibe

heat and humidity, either your plant will burn up or (i assume) wither due to lack of carbon dioxide
dont think lack of co2 kills plants, generally its some other issue. theres plenty of co2 in the air. usually its lack of certain nutrients like nitrogen or whatever. burning up definitely happens though.

sucks to be down there. maybe grow stuff indoors/mini greenhouse?

BrikWars? Is this like, LEGO Wargaming? I've been wanting to get into tabletop wargaming for a while, but I know nobody who's into it. Maybe it's worth checking out this proposal made to me once by this shop I go to every so often. They host tabletop events, maybe I'll find something interesting there.

I just like how free-form it is and there's pretty much a way to handle any possible event pretty easily. I've never played D&D but I'm imagining they have similar principles.

i like building gunpla stuff, it's something i could get more into if the building kits weren't expensive as forget in my country

dont think lack of co2 kills plants, generally its some other issue. theres plenty of co2 in the air. usually its lack of certain nutrients like nitrogen or whatever. burning up definitely happens though.
plants rely on dumping water jnto the air to get co2, florida is so humid plants have to dump a lot more water for co2

why kill Riddler when I could stop myself from being born

edit forget wrong thread
« Last Edit: July 11, 2020, 04:54:39 PM by Mega-Bear »

why kill Riddler when I could stop myself from being born
Why stop yourself from being born when you can stop the Earth from being born?