Author Topic: what is the best game mode you have played but isin't hosted anymore  (Read 11901 times)

wasteland/martial law

xalos’ deathrun
medieval RPG
tezuni’s rotations
chest hunts
and not really a gamemode but servers where people would be filming machinima and stuff like it. getting 2 do stuff with like swholli and blockaloni was a blast and made me feel really homey
« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 01:01:04 AM by Drydess »

not the best, but waay back when i used to play solar apoc, kinda missing it

dueling and gamefandan's rpg thing are both things i have fonder memories of. mostly toward the end of my time playin bl i had a lot more fun making things tho

Mutalisk’s Heros vs Monsters.
yoooo i forgot about this, i miss it too

martial law
and im not talking about that "survival" gamemode that stuff loving SUCKED.
That isn't Kreon

Kreon's servers in specific

other community RPs dont live up to the atmosphere n stuff

i agree but it's worth giving a shot before talking about it (unless you already did)

tezuni's prison escape :(

spend hundreds of hours on that one server alone but never even got the regular rank

pirate forgetaround
tezuni's slopes

tezuni's slopes

now i miss taking the flag and then flinging myself with the skis

That isn't Kreon

Kreon's servers in specific

other community RPs dont live up to the atmosphere n stuff
idk bro i played nearly all of kreon's rps and block king's comes closest you should give it a shot

that one stuffty tdm I hosted where it had political leaders