Author Topic: Fuzztoast x SwiftHyena fanfic (spermcell+) (love) (violecnce)  (Read 776 times)

made with the fanfic maker, because i'm not loving writing a blockland fanfic. (And yes i did accidentally forget up and make fuzz female, but who the forget cares)

Fuzztoast kicked SwiftHyena hard, shattering his apendex and spewing blood and guts all over the floor.
"You grandpa-of-a-bitch I'm going to make you eat my bee hive"
Dont you love me anymore?You used to love feeling my snake on those sweet summer nights in highschool"
Fuzztoast smashed her blade hard down on SwiftHyena cutting his ear off.Blood red blood shot out, splashing everywhere.You could see dripping veins hanging down and broken bones on the floor.
 SwiftHyena screamed in agony and then lunged at Fuzztoast.
 SwiftHyena ripped Fuzztoasts head off in one move, sending it spinning accross the floor. Leaving a trail of red ozing blood and pieces of brain,  SwiftHyena reached down and tasted the remains.Placeing it on his lips and licking them. He clearly got a perversive loveual pleasure from this, a lump formed in his trousers and he) swallowed
Fuzztoast's body slumped down, spraying blood everywhere.

Suddenly, Fuzztoast woke up.
"Did you have another bad dream, my love?", said FemSpot(earlier that week Fuzztoast discovered she was a lesban).You havnt been well have you? When you inserted yourself into me last night you wernt upto your normal standard.
"You know, i think SwiftHyena is back, i can feel it in my loins".
"Oh no, not again"
 " protect me im scared and helpless" she cried
"I must go, i must journey alone to defeat him once and for all!"
 With that, Fuzztoast marched off
 into the sunset.(not forgetting to take her huggable scopius doll with them)
 One man on a lone quest...a fight to defeat the ultimate evil!
We now turn out headlights to full beam in order to gaze forward though the mists of time.
The light from them reflects off, not a deer, but a scene 10 years from now - 1 decade into the future.

Fuzztoast enters the scene, but whats this? SwiftHyena is there too.

"Do you remember that thing that happened 10 years ago? The one that seemed like it would split us apart forever, but instead brought us closer then ever? That brought each-other?"

"The time with the carrot?"
"Oh, yes right"

"Its hard to believe what happened isn't it? What happened and what it led to"
"Yes my sweetness" said SwiftHyena, giving Fuzztoast a "special" kiss.
"Now that I have remembered it again I will never forget it."
"It was pretty life changing."

So we now dim our headlights and reverse drive back to the presence, the mists closing back around the future and the camera of our mind drawing back to the world we know of as the now.
A/N I got bord of writing the fanfic as it was so I decided to change things around. I hope u guys like it!!

She was as of yet the most beautifyl thingy in the whole of Blockland, Fuzztoast believed her to be. As she faigjt the great villianness SwiftHyena, her Big boppers bobbed up and down consistently like someone making love in a car. She swipped lovelyat the SwiftHyena and was more than anything Fuzztoast had seen before. Her beatiful feistful pressure shocked SwiftHyena's henchmen into copulating before her.

Ebolia, take my sword! said Fuzztoast, and give it to the greatness before us. She will need our legendary sword in order to defeat the great uber-SwiftHyena

And lo! Ebolia did so and the maginificent great mysterious woman took the sword and stabbed SwiftHyena.

He was defeated. But was SwiftHyena? Because as Fuzztoast ran towards the mysterious strange beauty of her draems and was about to share the greatest kiss she(and more) had ever given to someomne in the history of mankind, SwiftHyena rose up and fled!
Meanwhile, back in the future, Fuzztoast and SwiftHyena were enjoying each-other.
As the narrator, I will respect their privacy and not specify how- lets just say it involved shafts. Its certainly clear they were close.
Not just metaphorically but physically with their bodies as well.

SwiftHyena was distracted though, thinking back to the past. We join him on his mid-lovey time flashback, a flashback to our story in the present......
And now, with that, we once again turn our headbrains to the future, stepping forward down the road of time and walking for 10 years until we get to the place in time which this takes place.

Fuzztoast and SwiftHyena were just finishing. Out of respect for their privacy I will not specify what they were just finishing.

"arg...that was good love" said SwiftHyena.
"yes, yes it was" said Fuzztoast.
"You seemed a little distracted near the end though. Not your normal energetic self"
"yes...sorry about that. I was thinking back to a decade ago, when I first realized my feelings for you even though I didn't know it at the time.
Its what opened my eyes to what I felt all along. The missing jigsaw piece to my heart in which you were the key to unlock"

"And our love grew together from that moment to blossom into the great tree that it is today"

"I love you Fuzztoast my irresistibleness".
"I love you too SwiftHyena -my better half.

And they smiled the smile of lovers at each-other, as we fade out into the sunset.
And this is where the story ends...

It has come... to my attention... that some readers... don't like my art. They say that it''s all anti-semetic (sxuz me, but jews are like that!) and tribal (I had a black classmate in my class once and he was really stupid lol) horrible violent (this is MATURE, DID"T U READ THE DISCLAIMER?!)and anatomicly impossible (FWHYI they all do Yoga, and thats totaly possible). That hurts me a lot. Really... a lot.
Do u know how long it takes me to write my stories? Do u think I like it being stuck at home with nothing to do but writing my soul into my art? My boyfriend broke up w/ me and I'm sad because of all the stupid Enlgihs assignments I got (who needz it anyways, I speak it lol)

Writing is the only thing that makes me happy, but if that isn't good enough for u people, then I'm going to call it quits!
Yes, that's righr! I won't finish this story! Suck it Internet! HAPPY NOW?!!!!

I want to thank QueenRickman34 and Pinkyjack for beta reading, but I... I... I... just can't take it anymore.
Farewell internet. I'll never trust you again!

this is it. you have succesfully damned every human alive to the lowest depths of hell.

someone hold my hand

i loving hate this place

off to horny jail with you

and people were saying this wasn't a fuzztoast alt

why do i even come here anymore

fuzz when you grow older there are no doubts you will be embarrassed by these posts