Author Topic: Rigel's steam account has been stolen (he got it back)  (Read 2318 times)

If anyone has a way of communicating with him on another platform please let him know, it's that CSGO scam that's been goin around. I only have him on steam so I can't do anything to help.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 09:22:36 PM by MoltenKitten »

Follow up post, he has gotten it back

who would stoop so low to steal a steam account from a blind brother...

who would stoop so low to steal a steam account from a blind brother...
It's this fake "vote for my team" scam that's been going around since last year (as far as i know), i've had a run in with it myself and with others

It's the kind of phishing scam where you're given a link that leads to a seemingly trustworthy website and all you have to log in with your Steam account to be able to do something (like vote for a team)

But what may actually fool you is that the hacked person behaves as if you're actually speaking to a human and not a bot, so unless you really know the person you're speaking to, you might think they're actually being genuine about voting for their friend's team

i got sent one of these too. i checked the link out of curiosity, it has a steam login prompt very cleverly disguised as a popup, when in reality it's just part of the website.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2021, 01:27:53 AM by Awesomebread² »

dude forget these scammers
i even scammed like 3 people because of their asses but holy stuff
i even scammed the hackers back

oh stuff this happened a while ago?? most of the people the scammer blocked was this week I thought?

Anyway, shout-out to bomb kirby being a real OG and messaging me over steam

oh damn i blocked rigel a while ago because of this
unblocked now, btw this same exact compromise scheme hit legodude and wafflecake somehow

oh damn i blocked rigel a while ago because of this
unblocked now, btw this same exact compromise scheme hit legodude and wafflecake somehow
i accidenlty gave him same link because the handicaps told me to invite some more people so i gave waffleman the link

i had someone do this to me (really easy to revert the hack) and turns out its a dude in russia. his steam profile IS RIGHT ON THE WEBSITE. (look at the steam logo on the bottom left hand corner of the screen.)

i reported the idiot to cloudflare (he spent $20 on a SSL cert to fool people) and the steam profile linked to the site. what a idiot.

he spent $20 on a SSL cert to fool people
u think he knows letsencrypt is free