Author Topic: Parler Pantheon Thread | It's dead, lol.  (Read 14099 times)

In my opinion, Parler is not suited for anyone who considers themselves a fan of Blockland. It's content is almost entirely political, and homogeneous at that. There isn't much to look at when it comes to memes, video game media, movie media, or anything like that. ANd even when there are, it's still politically charged; something along the lines of "Boycott X because it is Y or supports Z".

Current state of off topic

Current state of off topic
I see that you haven't checked out the new post in Anime and Manga Megathread. Be sure to check it out!

handicapation runs deep here.
ableist fascist, deplatformed

handicapation runs deep in what? My bloodline, as a Jewish man? Similarly to how the fascist national socialists would fascistically measure people's skulls with calipers, call them handicapped, and then fascistically kill them in a gas chamber?

I will now be contacting your internet service provider (private corporation) and notifying them of your fascist behavior which breaches their Terms of Service and you will lose all connection to the internet permanently. I will also be contacting your phone service and WhatsApp to have you removed from their private services too so you will have no communication with anyone except by snail mail. Shouldn't of breached those Terms of Services which are PRIVATE and DO NOT have to uphold the constitution because they are PRIVATE. Also I have decided overnight that Signal is a echo chamber for fascist white supremacists so I will be deleting them out of existence.

edit: wait im preaching to the choir here this stuff already be happening in europe LMFAO
« Last Edit: January 13, 2021, 05:42:58 PM by Crook »

unfortunately you are gay and annoying so go ahead and log out and choke on a strudel eurofriend
what flavor toaster strudel

Corporate boot flavor

Rest in Pieces Parler.

This was a stuffty mistake of a site, and I'm an idiot for ever supporting it.

Rest in Pieces Parler.

This was a stuffty mistake of a site, and I'm an idiot for ever supporting it.

Really makes you think about the things you support huh

Really makes you think about the things you support huh
i cant get over that things make him think

handicapation runs deep in what? My bloodline, as a Jewish man? Similarly to how the fascist national socialists would fascistically measure people's skulls with calipers, call them handicapped, and then fascistically kill them in a gas chamber?

I will now be contacting your internet service provider (private corporation) and notifying them of your fascist behavior which breaches their Terms of Service and you will lose all connection to the internet permanently. I will also be contacting your phone service and WhatsApp to have you removed from their private services too so you will have no communication with anyone except by snail mail. Shouldn't of breached those Terms of Services which are PRIVATE and DO NOT have to uphold the constitution because they are PRIVATE. Also I have decided overnight that Signal is a echo chamber for fascist white supremacists so I will be deleting them out of existence.

edit: wait im preaching to the choir here this stuff already be happening in europe LMFAO
you went a little crazy here, what exactly is ‘already happening’ in Europe?

Good Riddance to this website lol

70tb of parler data has been leaked online, this includes all the pictures, texts and databases.

apparently before they got booted by everyone, they had dogstuff security, and it doesn't surprise me, because the website itself was dogstuff

my suspicions of parler being a massive honeypot for the FBI was right

there was also apparently forgettons of XSS exploits and unsecure stuff about the website lmfaoo

holy stuff i predicted it

man when this site gets hacked and those SSN's are leaked people are gonna lose their stuff

how was parler ever even considered any freer than twitter? they blanket banned anyone with a moderately left-leaning opinion even as satire accounts, not to mention parler's own weird specific rules, like, "yeah we're free speech and social media censors too much, but you can't talk about weed here!!!"

some opinions are freer than others