Author Topic: Randomness or Superyoshi  (Read 1640 times)

I got banned from your server by Adragon the ass stole my ship! i cleared his bricks and he wrote "so i saved it cause i liked it" please help

I got banned from your server by Adragon the ass stole my ship! i cleared his bricks and he wrote "so i saved it cause i liked it" please help
i forgot to add my name is alex123

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And wtf does the topic title have to do with this?


And wtf does the topic title have to do with this?
its general discussion im hoping one of them will see it

PM's were implemented for a reason.

If yes it may be Furdle, since IIRC he first was called Aragon, then Legend and now Furdle.

I got banned from your server by Adragon the ass stole my ship! i cleared his bricks and he wrote "so i saved it cause i liked it" please help

If your talking about the Gemini, NO that was made by ace. Which is a sweet ass ship btw.

Sorry for the three page bump, but Adragon(Real name withheld) was at my house, he was telling me this story, later, by coincidence, I was scanning the drama forums and found this. Details fit exactly. Also, he said he found the name "Ace" in the ship. I just thought this was a funny coincidence.

its true i found it in a main stucture hidden by a secret passage 2 days after i banned alex123 so he is a stealer to plus i dont say that i built it but it is ace's and i was finishing it and alex123 cleared my hard work

its true i found it in a main stucture hidden by a secret passage 2 days after i banned alex123 so he is a stealer to plus i dont say that i built it but it is ace's and i was finishing it and alex123 cleared my hard work

The hardest work I've seen from you in terms of building was a bunch of red 1x4x5's spammed on top of the skyscraper in Beta City. It blocked off part of the roof, and until I wanded part of it, it blocked the roof entirely. regardless of it just being a giant red box of spam, you called it a ski jump, and built it higher until you could rocket ski off it onto the bed. Afterwards, you said something about saving it, which would be completely pointless without the rocket skis.

oh now you have to rub it in huh thx plus all my saves are gone