Author Topic: Arid sky  (Read 15352 times)

This skybox is good for a desert or barn build
Credits: Me, Prentice Robers for the lighting RockyDoctor65 made that train in the screen shots
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 12:17:32 PM by Biqus »

They didnt approve it yet so, im sorry you have to wait a while

thanks for breaking the 1 year drought

Can you motherforgeters upload my addon arleady

Can you motherforgeters upload my addon arleady

go ask conan to inspect it

I just saw that they uploaded it, now you can download it

a desert just like environment files

Really cool sky. Also, the train in the middle screenshot was built by me.

Really cool sky. Also, the train in the middle screenshot was built by me.
I added you to the credits